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Hermione was waiting for the train to Hogwarts. Besides waiting for the train Hermione was also looking for her friends. Do I look too different? I only went under minor changes! That was an understatement, Hermione looked like a different person. Over the summer, Hermione's body decided to start changing. For basically her whole Hogwarts life Hermione was a rectangle. While her friends grew up and developed curves, Hermione stayed boxy. But now Hermione also had curves and her voice was smoother. She also grew taller, before she was only 5'4 but now she was 5'7.

"Some people are late bloomers." Her mother told her. I guess she was right. I'm a late bloomer, a really late bloomer. Hermione sighed and shook her head, looking for her friends. Finally, she found them.

"Harry! Ginny! Ron!" Hermione ran over to her friends. "It's been all summer how are you?"

"I'm sorry, do we know you?" Harry asked politely. Ginny stared at Hermione, finally she spoke.

"Hermione!?" Ginny yelled. Hermione smiled shyly. "You look so different!" It was very true, Hermione also cut her hair short and was very tan. Making Ginny look very pale.

Ron and Harry stared openly at Hermione, completely surprised by her looks. The girl they grew up with suddenly became a beautiful vixen.

"Oh look! The train let's go." Hermione grabbed her luggage and headed towards the train.

"Hermione, what happened to Crookshanks?" Ron asked once they were on the train.

"He passed away over the summer. I have an owl now. Her name is Hera. A fitting name in my opinion." Ron gave her a confused look. "You'll see." Hermione waved her hand then quickly threw her hand on her head. "Oh shoot! I need to meet Professor Mcgonagall!" Hermione rushed out.

"I'm sorry I'm late professor, the time completely eluded me." Hermione quickly sat down, not noticing Mcgonagall's stare, even she couldn't believe that Hermione Granger was sitting in front of her. She quickly shook off her amazement and began talking.

"I have chosen you for head girl for obvious reasons. But the real reason I called you here was about my choice for head boy. His past wasn't the best, most of it wasn't his choice though. He is my top male student and pretty responsible. Sadly, he could not make it for the first day back. He and his mum are having are currently delayed. Now, do you have any queations."
"Yes, one. Who is head boy?"

"I cannot tell you that Hermione, you will see soon."

"Okay...." Hermione was a little disappointed. Mcgonagall gave in.

"It's Draco Malfoy." Hermione's eyes bulged, but she didn't say anything. "You may go now Hermione." The girl nodded and wordlessly left.

The rest of the day Hermione was quiet. Her friends would ask her questions, or try to engage her but she simply rolled it off. Even through out the dinner she was oddly quiet. Hermione couldn't wrap her head around why Draco Malfoy out of everyone was chosen.

"Students are dismissed. Perfects, show the first year's to the dormitories. Hermione Granger? Come forward."

Students filed out of the Great Hall as Hermione shuffled forward. "Yes ma'am?"

"I simply want to show you where your dorm will be." Hermione nodded and followed the Professor. They seemed to walk forever before Mcgonagall announced that they were there. "Simply say Lemon Drops." Hermione nodded again. Professor Mcgonagall walked briskly back to her office.

Hermione payed little attention to the dorm and just hurried to the door labeled, 'Head Girl.' Upon entering Hermione gave a disgusted scoff. The room was bright pink with equally bright bedding. "Disgusting." Hermione magically changed the walls to a dull grey with a teal accent wall. As for the bed, Hermione made it a satin black. She also added a desk and a book case. Hermione finished within thirty minutes. She checked the clock, it was only 8:30. She let out a frustrated sigh, she hated being cooped up! Over the summer, Hermione spent most, if not all her time outside with her parents in Australia.

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