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Draco Malfoy was standing across the bar, his arms perched on the bar top holding most of his body weight as he leaned against the top. In his mind, Draco was wondering why he came to this party. It was a stupid reunion anyways, just their graduating class. None of Draco Malfoy's friends were there, Slytherins were there they all were deemed too dimwitted for Draco. Pansy and Blaise would have been there but both moved, do to shame after the war. He disgustedly rolled his eyes as a Slytherin snogged a Hufflepuff, both extremely inebriated.

Hermione Granger sat on a barstool at the opposite end of the bar, surrounded by her friends. Although Hermione loved being with her friends she wasn't fully engaged in the conversation. Instead, Hermione was in her head, hoping to get away from Harry and Ron; maybe that would ease her headache. So, Hermione sat patiently, listening to their conversation adding comments here and there. Finally Hermione could escape, Ron and Harry began talking about quidditch a topic that always causes arguments.

Hermione Granger walked to the other end of the bar, refusing to sit at a booth or table. She ordered a firewhiskey to sip on. Hermione leaned against the bar, resting her elbows on the top, holding her arms and drink at her midsection. She took a long drink of the whiskey giving a sigh of relief. "What's got you so stressed that you drown yourself in firewhiskey?" A voice next to her asked.

"My friends.They won't stop talking." She looked down, staring at his leather designer shoes.

"Lest you have friends here, the only people from my house that are here are acting very immature." Hermione's eyes traveled up from the shoes. He was wearing everything designer. Probably some pureblood she thought. She looked out into the crowd, almost everyone was being childish.

"Well everyone's being immature could you be more specific?" She said cynically.

He laughed, "fair enough. They are wearing green. Now how bout you be more specific about your friends?" Hermione pointed over at Harry and Ron, sipping her whiskey.

Draco looked over where she pointed. Potter and Weasley arguing over something stupid. He looked down at the girl and her brown hair slicked back into a sleek ponytail. He looked at her slim body and stature. Her off the shoulder gold dress. "Are you perhaps Hermione Granger? "

"Yes." Granger said tiredly, "And you are?" She looked up at him, her eyes widened.

"Draco Malfoy?" She said.

"Yes, that's me."

"Its only been 5 years!"

"Are you implying that I look old Granger?"

Hermione panicked, had she already offended him? "No! I mean that you changed so much in simply 5 years." Hermione studied his hair, it had lightened to a white. His eyes were still a vibrant grey-blue but he had grown taller. As if he needed to grow, his tall stature was imtimidating enough, but with his odd eyes and commanding voice anyone would listen to him. She observed his white shirt, dark green tie and pants.

"In a good way?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes in a good way Malfoy. Your family ages gracefully. Just take a look at your mum, she's obviously older than 27."

He rubbed his chin, "I guess so. If it helps, you dont look a day over 22."

Hermione rolled her eyes, "thanks. And you dont act a day over 16."

"Are you saying I'm immature Granger? Because I'm quite sure I'm way more mature then your friends.''

He was right, well, at the moment anyways. "I guess so. They can never act mature when they talk about quidditch, what is the thrill in flying anyway?" She grumbled, drinking more of her whiskey.

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