24- Reunion (9)

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"Argh! Damn!" Paris yelled holding Yumi as he grabbed a table flipping it sideways. It became extremely noisy as a gun fight was happening, some toys flipped tables, some jumped hiding on the flipped tables. James held three hostages down as mirrors started attacking, except for a certain one.
"Paris." Yumi mumbled, Paris mentally gasped, excitement and joy in his expression.
"You finally said my name..." Parid mumbled.
"Hello pretty boy~!" A voice was heard, Paris looked up to see his opposite. It waved at Paris and Yumi with glee, Paris looked up before grabbing his gun aiming it at his clone.
"Don't shoot babe~" the clone cooed, beside Paris.
"I won't hurt you. I might be your mirror but that doesn't mean I'll kill my opposite." The clone said rather calm and positive, Paris didn't sway by it and still pointed his gun at the clone.
"Paris!" Yumi said grabbing Paris's arm down, Paris looked at Yumi sighing in defeat. The clone smiled.
"You know what...why don't you call me france so that snacky Yumi wont confuse herself~" France said taking his gun out hi pocket, aiming on the arm of Mei's clone. Bang, Mei's clone held her hand swaying it sideways. Mei's clone looked for the source of the bullet but to only see France giving a big wave of hello, she smiled waving back. James saw this and shot beside the foot of the clone. It jumped in shock looking behind her to see James glaring at her.
"James~! I am such a failure~!" The clone cooed, James was didgusted by the voice of the clone cooing at him. Ian looked around trying to find a way to escape, Lily stayed patient and calm as she looked on her left to see a person with a bag on their head. Pice's clone kept on shooting as more bullets were shot at him aswell, suddenly a bullet hit his head causing him to fall backwards. Pice was behind a flipped table hiding with Ale, Mei and Paul also hid behind a flipped table that was a bit far from the others. It was total madness.
"France...keep an eye on Yumi, I'll be back." Paris said crawling side ways, trying to find spots to go while dodging and getting closer to James. Paris slowly reached the stage silently.
"Shit!" James yelped quickly reloading his gun, Ian struggled getting the knots undone. Paris looked at his gun, he fiddled the trigger while looking at James who was getting way too distracted to notice him.
"Hey...I want you to give off an explosion." Paris said rushing behind the back stage, to be punched in the face by Curt's clone.
"Hello Paris. Call me Durk if you like it suits me more." Durk said dashing towards Paris with fists. Paris dodged kicking Durk on the stomach, Durk backed up but rushed back at it trying to punch Paris, Paris dodged punching Durk on his face, it was a complete one on one.

Remier's Pov;
I groaned as I opened my eyes, it was dark. What is happening? Who are shooting? I twisted and struggled as I tried to untie the ropes behind my hands.
"What is..." I said on my breath, what is happening? What am I doing here? Why is it so loud?
"Gagh!!! Get off me!!!" Someone yelled, that voice is familiar. Whose is it? Was it John?? James? Renzo??? No wait is it Chris? I continued to struggle on the ropes behind me as the darkness blocked my vision...........

"Waahh!!! Big sister!!!" Remier yelped running towards Mei. Mei coughed and chocked as blood dripped from her mouth, neck and chest. Remier cried while looking at her sister slowly dying.
"Big sister!?? Please don't go yet!!! Please stay!!!" Remier begged while crying infront of Mei, but it was no use. The living can no longer be revived, and death has taken their time.
"Look what you did Remier..." the father said while gripping on the knife. Remier looked up in tears as her vision became a blurr from her tears.
"This is all your fault...your the real monster here Remier..." the father said wiping the fresh blood of the knife. Mei closed her eyes as Remier cried and mourned.
"I'm sorry!" Remier repeated over and over as she looked down on her sister in tears. His father walked out of the alley carefree as Remier and Mei was left alone. Ivan walked on the streets, following a strange aura that suddenly bursted out of nowhere. It was mysterious, strong, pitiful, and was full of hatred. Ivan had to find it, he turned an alley to hear crying, he walked closer to his surprise there was a dead child craddled on another childs arms.
"What happened..?" Ivan asked walking closer, he examined the two as the strong aura crawled all over him like a serpent. It was it, it was the aura he was trying to locate. Ivan thought of ways to help the two, he can't just carry a bloody child's corpse on the streets, people might think he killed it. And so he grabbed his phone and called his partner. A car arrived shortly as Ivan quickly carried the child's corpse and Remier inside the car, trying not to be seen by anybody around the spot. The car drove quickly back to Ian's mansion. Remier waited on the living room as she was told to, there she met a boy named Chris.
"Hello, what's your name?" Chris asked tilting his head a bit.
"I'm...Remier...." Remier said looking away, Chris tilted his head as the child felt a little awkward around Chris who was much older than her.
"What are you saying? Move the child's soul into a doll?" Ivan hysterically asked. Ian scratched the back of his neck while looking at the corpse on the table.
"I know, I know. There is a 99% chance that this child's soul will only transfer it's hatred only." Ian said sighing as he looked down. Ivan looked at Ian before walking back out of the basement.
"I might die y'now." Ian said as Ivan closed the door behind him. Ian got to work as e looked around the chest that was filled with old forgotten junk he had found useless in the past. He looked for any sort of doll but to no avail, there was only one toy inside the chest. A toy that had long hair and was wearing a suit.
"I hope this works...why me..." Ian mumbled to himself as he slowly and carefully tried to move the childs soul into the toy, fire bursted from the toy as it was truly filled with hatred. It's body and looks becoming humane, Ian looked in interest. Soon the fire went away and there laid a dummy.
"How in the world did you turn into a puppeet?" Ian asked himself as the dummy sat up, no emotion could be seen in it's eyes as it slowly stood up. Ian looked at the dummy before quickly catching it as it suddenly stumbled sideways, the dummy looked up at Ian as it quickly regained it's balance.
"Remier..?" The dummy asked looking sideways, the basement wasn't fully packed with old stuff and it was lit everywhere. Ian smiled carrying the dummy, he then made his way to the living room.
"No! Where's my sister!!!" Remier yelled as Ivan held her. Mei's eyes widened as she lept off Ian, running towards the voice.
"Big sister!!!" Remier yelled, Ivan finally let go as Remier threw herself towards Mei, what a reunion.

"Lily!" Iris yelled as loud gunshots were still visible to be heard. Lily turned to see Iris running, James was held down to the ground by John who was angry. Durk hicked as he stumbled down, Paris kicked Durk by the face 'causing him to faint. Paris was filled with scratches on the face, clothes torn and dirtied a bit. Paris made his way to the stage, taking his gun out he pointed upwards.
It was loud, painful and strong. John had accidentally let go of James giving him a chance to run. Everyone in the room stopped and their attention was on Paris. Paris slowly pointed his gun down as Ian was finally able to unknot the ropes behind him, he walked to the masked person in curiosity. Taking the bag off the person's head, Mei gasped.
"REMEIR!!!" Mei yelled running towards Remier whose hands are still tied behind her back.


The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Where stories live. Discover now