31- shapeshift and

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Lily sighed, glancing at her twin sister, before she took a sip from the warm coffee that sat calmly on the table. The day in the bakery was rather quiet and peaceful as it was before the ruckus happened.

"Lily, do you think..?" Iris called out, getting Lily's full attention.

"That Yumi's ok?" Iris asked, rubbing the back of her neck before glancing back to her sister.

Lily raised a brow, taking the time to think before answering.

"Why would you ask that? Ofcourse she's ok now." Lily assured, smiling as she took the last sip of her coffee.

"I just have this weird feeling that she isn't like right now." Iris said in total worry and fright.

"C'mon now Iris. It's not like Paris would just bust in here and yell that Yumi's missing or got kidnapped again." Lily said.

Iris sighed before she began to tap on the deck in a small rythm.

"Iris, she's gonna be just fine. Don't stress yourself out too much." Lily said.

"Knowing that you actually got carried into Yumi's danger zone, it makes me feel like it's gonna happen again." Iris said.

Lily looked at her twin, a smirk forming unto her face before she decided to roll her eyes and chuckle it out.

"It was really stressful that I had to call the second in command leader of our job." Iris smirked.

"Well you could've just went there using the car and just carry a gun." Lily said.

They both eyed eachother before they bursted into laughter.

Meanwhile Paris had enough searching around the filthy house and went to Mei who dissappeared into ashes.

"Mei??" Paris called out. There was utter silence that loomed the filthy room in response.

"Mei where the hell are you?" Paris called out again. There was still complete silence before he got hit by the neck making him fall down flat to the ground.

Mei awoke from the faint talking around her, the bag over her head made it worse for her to get herself to be fully awake, but for that she can pretend that she's still unconcious.

"Are you sure we should get Paris aswell?" A person spoke.

"Yeah! What could go wrong??" Another person spoke.

"They both are like known to be bombs if close together." Another person spoke.

"Well shit, I don't care if it is. That ugly guy in clown make up already said he's paying us bigger than a thousand bucks to get these two killed." The same person spoke.

"Hell no. I'm not gonna get my ass wiped by the same person I was told to try and catch! He leapt building by building like a pyscho!" Another person spoke.

"Yeah, I agree with this guy next to me. He even fuckin' leapt down unto like a four or three story building." Another person continued.

Mei smirked under the bag, staying completely still as she waited patiently and calmly while she tries and execute the plan she made more than a few days ago.

Paris got dragged unto the bed, mumbling to himself as he got tossed unto the soft bed.

"Now I see why they call you ciggar for some reason." The doll chuckled, while holding unto her nose.

"Although," the doll slowly moved beside Paris with ease, while carressing the puppets face she mischieviously smiled.

"You're handsome." The doll complimented.

Paris was really unconcious, what kind of toy would even be able to go unconcious though?

"I wish you could become mine. And mine only." The doll said before carressing Paris's buttoned chest.

"Too bad that clown really wants you dead." The doll softly frowned, before she slowly and gently let her empty hand make it's way down unto Paris's pants.

"Just for now maybe? Maybe just once?" The doll said, her fingers slowly tapping Paris's zipper.

Paris yanked the careless hand away as he glared at the doll that laid beside him. The doll gasped before trying to hit the puppet who swiftly grabbed her other hand.

"Gah! Let me go!" The doll screamed before it begged.

Paris didn't care on listening or following the demands.

The doll continued to scream before a hand was placed in her mouth making her muffle.

"I swear if you don't shut up and answer me truthfully I will tear you to bits and throw you in the seawage." Paris snarled a treath.

The doll calmed down from her defeat before answering everything.

"Now tell me," Paris said before continuing with, "where is Yumi?"

The doll was speechless.

Minutes passed it was ticking Paris off.

"Tell me." Paris demanded. But the doll didn't know the answer.

"I don't know," the doll said, "I couldn't find her anywhere."

Paris continued to glare before huffing. Letting the doll go, he made his way back in the messy living room.

Yumi yawned inside the closet before sitting back up while rubbing her tired eyes. As a matter of fact it was silent making her want to stay inside hidden even more.

"Yumi, just where the hell are you..?" A familiar voice was heard from the other end making Yumi shoot up in delight.

Yumi quickly slammed open the closet door to be met with a purple fog that caught Yumi's eyes.

"Paris?" Yumi said.

Paris shot up from the voice looking back unto the kitchen.

"Careful, there's something that can mimic any sound or voice and even take their form." The same doll warned Paris by the bedroom door.

"And i'm guessing this is the real Yumi so back off." Paris huffed with a frown before walking inside the kitchen.

"Well that's taken care of." Mei sighed, before dusting herself clean.

The place she was in was filled with bodies drenched in acid water.

"Maybe te acid rain magic thing was a little too much." Mei snirked before walking out of the room to be met with a lot of company.

"Oh! More side performers I see!" Mei was in delight to see more henchmens ready to fight.

Lily's phone hummed a ringtone. Lily picked it up and went for a normal welcoming answer.

"Hello?" Lily said.

"B-Boss! Help!! There's a fucking crazy person running around the house and he's got no guns but he's not getting hit by a single bullet what so ever!!! He's murdering everyone!" There we're constant yelling of pain while the person begged for help.

Lily hanged the phone up and huffed.

"Iris we've got a situation in the house." Lily groaned while rubbing her forehead.

Iris rolled her eyes before turning the sign around and locking the bakery up.


The dummy's dummy (mafia AU) Probably 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora