When you were in the kitchen, you could hear Phil muttering incoherent words to Dan, the tone low and unsure. You gulped, feeling a lump forming in your throat. Yet you had no time to fix it as you raised the phone to your ear, "...Hello?"

A familiar voice screeched through the speaker, causing you to pull back slightly. "(Y/N)!! Oh my God, it's been so long! How are you?!"

Hailey's cheery tone conflicted with your current mood, the two emotions clashing at one another like fire and ice. You gave a fake smile, hopeful that it would restore some pep to your voice. "I've been good! Super good! How- how are you?"

Immediately Hailey began chittering your ear off with all the exciting 'adventures' she had been having while you were gone. "I got a new job at a really nice office; pays really well! And they got a new coffee shop by the apartment. Oh, and a new movie theatre in town too! Oh, oh! And do you remember Kyle? Yeah, that one; he works with me now. Still don't like him that much, but can't do much about that. What else... Right! Then there was this thing that-" You waited patiently for her talking to come to a close, but she continued without any signs of stopping. "-and I met this guy too. Well, I should say 'guys', but they all don't need to know. Taylor and I have been scoping out the boys recently and-"

You stopped her mid sentence. "Taylor, who's that?"

"Hmm, oh right. You haven't met her yet. She's a work friend that I got to know over the past month. She's super cool and really awesome! Actually, she and I kind of moved in together back at the apartment; I hope you don't mind. But seeing as you live in the UK, I though it didn't matter, right?"

With each word she spoke, you could feel your facade breaking away, a frown slowly dropping across you face. "Yeah, that's totally fine...I'm glad you're having fun, Hailey."

"She gave a small laugh on the other end, the chuckle anything but happy. "Yeah, it would be more fun with you around. I miss you so much."

A flutter of hope blossomed in your chest; she did miss you! She hadn't forgotten about you! Yet even with this knowledge, you could feel the icy grip of doubt grasping at your heart. If she missed you so much, why hadn't she called? Text? Hell, she could've sent you a stupid meme and you would've been happy! "Hailey, why didn't you call?"

"O-oh! Well, you see-"

"Hailey, it really hurt. You ditched me for a month without any warning. Why? Why would you do that?" You voice cracked as the feeling of hot tears dotted your eyes. You kept your gaze upwards, trying to hold back the sadness that threatened to overflow. "Hailey, why?"

Hailey stayed silent for a second before speaking up, sounding slightly shaken. "(Y/N), I didn't do it to make you upset. God no. I just, I guess that... I took the surprise to far." Now she sounded on the verge of tears. "I-I thought that... I just didn't want to ruin it!"

You took in a long breath, "What?" You rubbed your eyes forcefully, flicking away the salty liquid. "What the fuck are you going on about?"

The other side of the line was filled with sputtering laughter, most likely a mixture of tears and genuine happiness. "The reason why I haven't talked to you is because I've been working non-stop. Why you ask? Well, ever since I got this new job, the paycheck has been awesome. So awesome that I could, well... afford a plane ticket?"

Your body stood ridged as you took in the news. You tried to speak, but your words fizzled instantly, tumbling out like bricks. "You- wait... what did you say?"

"I'm booking plane ticket to see you! Yes, you! You beautiful bitch! I, your best friend Hailey, I'm coming to you! Isn't this exciting?!"

"Oh my God! Hailey!! Fuck yes!" You smiled broadly, balling your free hand into a fist and swinging it into the air triumphantly. "I knew you didn't forget about me. I mean, I was worried, but thank God I was wrong!"

Dream a Little Dream // Daniel Howell x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now