11. Where's Octavia?

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After the fireworks we could only hope that the ark saw us. There was no way of getting a response from the Ark as if now without anyway to communicate with them, thats why right after the fireworks were out of sight Raven basically stole someone's tent to start working on getting the radio working.

After the fireworks I went to Bellamy and Octavia's tent and laid down on a third makeshift bed, that I guess someone made for me. I laid down and tried to sleep, but I couldn't, I just wasn't tired. And everyone was still up outside of my tent so you couldn't even sleep with that noise if you wanted to.

"Hey Ar, you up?" Bellamy asks opening the tent and I nod and sit up, "Have you seen O today?"

"No.." I say and Bellamy closes the tent again. I immediately get up and run out of the tent towards Bellamy, "Hey wait! Bel what are you doing?" I ask but he ignores me and keeps peeking into people's tents and ask if they've seen Octavia anywhere. "Bellamy?!" I shout and he looks at me

"What do you want Artemis?" Bellamy yells back on an angry tone and I take a few steps back. "I- I'm sorry-" He mutters as he looks at my frightened face. "It's just- I can't find O anywhere.. And nobody here has seen her.." He says, the last part his voice cracked, like he was about to cry. I quickly run up to Bellamy and wrap my tiny arms around his waist. At first it felt like he tensed up a bit, but then he hugged me back.

"We'll find her." I say giving Bellamy a reassuring smile and he ruffles his hands through my blonde hair giving me a smile back, but I knew Bellamy was extremely worried about his sister. If I had a sister I would be too.. "Now why don't you go back to our tent and get some sleep?" He asks me but I shake my head.

"I'm not tired." I say, "And I wanna help you find Octavia."

"I'm not even gonna try and convince you to just go to sleep." Bellamy mumbled, "Sure. But keep up." He then said firmly and I nodded.

He started walking again, opening tents and asking people if they'd had seen Octavia, but no luck.

Bellamy moved really fast, almost too fast for my little legs to keep up, but suddenly Bellamy bent down in front of a tent.

"You're up?" He asks with surprise in his voice. I sprinted towards Bellamy and when I caught up with him I saw he was talking to Clarke.

"Yeah. Knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the ark makes it pretty hard to sleep." She says. What does she mean with hundreds of people dying?

"P- people on the ark ..dying?" I say from behind Bellamy

"Oh Artemis, you're still up-" Clarke says and I quickly nod, "It's business for the adults, nothing that you should worry about sweetie." Clarke then says

"Pfft, adults? What adults? I don't see any adults here, just a few teenagers who think they're in charge." I say rolling my eyes at Clarke.

"Jeez cool down miss sassy pants." Bellamy said to me before he looked back at Clarke, "Raven's flares will work."

"Her radio would've worked better." Clarke says glaring at Bellamy.

"Have you seen O?" I ask Clarke, changing the subject.

"No, it's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies or-"

"Clarke I've checked the camp, she's not here." Bellamy says interrupting Clarke. Clarke looked a little shocked.

"Okay- I'll help you find her." She says, "Let's check again, Bellamy and Artemis you two go to the drop ship, I'll check the rest of the tents." She says and I nod.

"Thank you." Bellamy says

"Don't thank me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Octavia." She says and I can't help but giggle a little.


Bellamy and I found nothing at the drop ship accept some sleeping teenagers. Clarke also said that everyone she talked to hadn't seen Octavia since yesterday.

Bellamy had organized a search party to look for Octavia.

"My sister has been out there for twelve hours. Arm up, we're not coming back without her." He says to the search party. I still stood next to Bellamy.

As people started grabbing the weapons that Bellamy laid out for them I also walked forward and grabbed an axe.

"Oh hell no Artemis-" Bellamy said snatching the axe out of my hands.

"Why not? You even let Jasper go. So why not me?" I say trying to grab back the axe but Bellamy's grip on it was too strong.

"Because Jasper can take care of himself. You're a tiny elf. What if a grounder attacks you? How are you gonna defend yourself?"

"My axe." I say and Bellamy shakes his head.

"Nope. Not happening." He says and I give him a glare before I storm off.

"GUYS GUYS!" One of the delinquents yells and I stop, "Look up!" He says and I look up, at the sky.

It looked like a bunch of falling shimmering meteors. They were beautiful. "Wow.." I mumbled. It looked beautiful until I heard Clarke's words.

"It's not a meteor shower it's a funeral. Hundreds of bodies being returned to earth from the ark." Clarke says. Even though I watched her talk from afar I could perfectly understand her words.

Everyone looked shocked and defeated. Bellamy, Raven, Finn and all the other delinquents standing around Clarke.

Raven soon launched herself at Bellamy. I rolled my eyes and continued to run off to my tent.


I think I fell asleep last night because whenI woke up it was already light outside. I was woken up by Jasper who was yelling Clarke's name. Jasper was on Bellamy's search party so I immediately rushed outside to the gate, pushed some delinquents aside and made my way to the front.

"OCTAVIA!" I yelled and jumped in her arms. She wrapped her arms around my back and hugged me back tight.

"I'm here what's wrong?" Clarke suddenly says, I broke my hug with Octavia to see what was going on. A grunting Bellamy walked into the gate, with ..Finn in his arms.

"Finn! Oh my god-" Clarke says breathing heavy and fast. I covered my mouth with my hands. Octavia put her behind me so that I wouldn't see Finn, but I already did. He got stabbed, he looked like he was unconscious, maybe even dead.

"He's still alive- Get him in the drop ship, now!" Clarke orders and two guys who took Finn from Bellamy and carried Finn into the drop ship.

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