6. Jasper pt.2

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It was the middle of the night and I was trying to sleep but all i heard was Jasper moaning. I heard a couple people say that he should die already and that they wanted to sleep.

I climed up the dropship stairs with my half open eyes and walked up next to Clarke. I yawned and she looked at me.

"Cant sleep?" She said.

"Nope." I said. "Is he gonna be okay?" I asked her nervously.

"I hope so.." She said while playing with his hair. I really hoped Jasper was gonna make it. He might not know me but i know him. Yesterday when Monty was working he told me all about Jasper!

"I'm gonna get some clean water, can you look after him?" Clarke said to me and i nodded my head. I looked after her as she climbed down the stairs. Monty came closer and sat next to me. We sat there in silence, partly because we have nothing to talk about and partly because we were both occupied with Jasper.

Clarke climbed back up the stairs and took my place again.

"Thanks." Clarke said smiling at me, "now try to get some sleep." She said softly

"Okay.." i said as i climbed down the ladder, i actually fell asleep and when i woke up it was daytime and people were outside building the wall, making weapons and just talking.

I walked over to Bellamy and John who i saw throwing knives at a tree.

"Hey!" I said smiling, i think i scared Murphy because he threw his knife almost at me. But when he saw it was me he quickly put it down

"Hey there Ar." Bellamy said as he bent down to my tiny height.

"Can i try?" I asked to Bellamy and John.

"No." John said giving me 'the eye'.

"Sure." Bellamy said and then gave John 'the eye' , and i giggled.

"Do you have a knife?" Bellamy asked me. I nodded my head and then pulled out my makeshift knife and showed it to Bellamy.

"Did you make that all by yourself?" He asked, sounding impressed by my crafting skills.

"I had a little help from someone." I said and Bellamy nodded.

"Here, look closely." He said picking up his axe and throwing it in the tree.

"Now you try." Bellamy said

"Okay.." i said as i put my right leg in front of my left leg, i aimed the knife toward the tree and then threw it. The knife stuck in the tree and then i yelled "I DID IT!".

Bellamy smiled at me, "Atleast someone here can throw." Glaring over at Murphy. Murphy scoffed and then threw his knife that fell on the ground.

I tried a couple times more but then i heard Jasper scream. I quickly grabbed my knife and put in the pocket of my jacket as i runned inside and stormed up the ladder. Octavia and Bellamy quickly followed. As i was about to open my mouth Octavia said "STOP IT! Your killing him!!"

"Actually, she's trying to save his life." Finn said to Octavia.

"She can't." Bellamy said as we all looked over at him.

"Back off-" Wells said before Clarke cut him off

"-We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die." Clarke said still focussing on Jaspers wound.

"The kids a goner, and if you cant see that your deluded. He's making people go crazy." Bellamy said. Deep down inside i knew part of him spoke the truth, Jasper is a goner. I looked down at my knees so people couldn't see the tears in my eyes.

"Sorry if Jasper is an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the Ark. Down here every life matters." Clarke said snapping back at Bellamy.

"Take a look at him. He's a lost cause." Bellamy said. I could hear his voice shaking as he said it.

Clarke then said to Octavia that she's spend her whole life watching her mom heel people and that if she says there's hope, there's hope. After Clarke said that i looked up and wiped away my tears i hope nobody noticed.

"This isn't about hope this is about guts. You dont have the guts to make the hard choices, i do. Bellamy said after pausing for a second he continued, "He's been like this for three days. If he's not better by tomorrow i'll kill him myself." He said turning around and about to climb down the ladder when he asked if Octavia was coming.

"I'm staying here." She looked at Jasper and then at me, i gave her a sad smile.

"Power hungry selfserving jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself." Monty said looking at Jasper and Clarke then at Octavia, "..No offense." He said then quickly to which Octavia shrugged her shoulders and looked back at Jasper.

"Yeah, Bellamy is all that. But he also happens to be right." Finn said, Clarke and i both looked up to Finn and glared at him. I knew he was right but i still didn't want to hear anyone say it.

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