I sigh and lie down, resting my head in my arms. I don't ever want to move, quite content to lay here until I disappear from this world. A world without him isn't worth living yet somewhere deep down my brain laughs at my dramatic words.

He will never come back to me. Once an otherworldly being is killed, that's it for us. We simply cease to exist like ancient buildings that crumble into nothing, disappearing into the dirt and fading from memory.

I jump. Banging sounds down my chambers. I sit up, silence filling the space. I think I imagined it so l lie back down only to bolt upright when it comes again.

Who the fuck is knocking on my door? I'm not in the mood to see anyone.

I'm tempted to not answer but I find the will power to haul my butt off the bed. Dodging broken bits and pieces, I stomp out of my room, into the main area and down the small hallway. Once I reach the door, I death grip the handle and rip it open like a lion tears into a zebra. I hope this bastard brought ear plugs because he's sure as Hell going to need them. I open my mouth to scream the roof off until my eyes travel upwards to the face in front me. I snap my mouth closed.

Abaddon crosses his arms, commonly mistaken for tree trunks. His eyes narrow, classic murder face on full display.

Thank Hell I never became a receptionist.

"What the fuck do you want?" I spit.

He assesses me, judgmental eyes racking up and down my body and I stiffen under his gaze.

"May I come in?" He's going to come in regardless of whether I let him or not. I step aside. He has to duck and turn sideways to fit his body through the door. His horns scrape the roof and I cringe at the sound, like fingernails on a chalk board making my teeth grind.

He walks into the main area, scanning my chambers. Too bad if he wants a place to sit. There's not much of a couch left.

"This place is a mess," he growls. The walls shake at the force of his voice.

"Oh, really? I didn't notice."

"Lesser demons can take better care of things. You need to handle yourself better."

I can't.

"If you've come here to scold me on my current living conditions then leave."

Once, I would have been careful about pissing off Abaddon but now I can't care less. He can go right ahead and beat me if he wants. Even if I lose, at least it will prove a fight and physical pain sounds like a wonderful distraction.

"Watch your mouth," he hisses, "I've come to speak to you about my son."

My throat clogs as I try to suck down air. The now familiar burn of tears threatens to break. I punch down the urge to cry. Squash it like a bug, shoving it somewhere deep and dark and locking the lid. I will not break down in front of this fucker.

I wonder if he mourns the loss of his son? I wonder if he cared about Dem at all. He seems like the same jackass he was when his son was alive. Completely unfazed by the death of his only child as if it was just his pet goldfish that died. Perhaps he never cared about Dem. Maybe he's happy he's gone.

My fisted knuckles turn white. Restraint almost fails me as I tackle the urge to throw a ball of hellfire at him.

"As I'm sure you have figured out, a killer had snuck into Hell and assassinated Demtorious," he says.

No shit, I bite my tongue.

"And we know for a fact the killer wasn't from this realm," he holds up an object. Long and straight, pointed at one end, blunt at the other. The celestial weapon. The very arrow that had killed Dem. If it was held by one of angels blood, it would give off a heavenly glow, but since it is held by one of demons blood, its aurora is dark and menacing. Coming closer, I can see the ancient inscriptions on the shaft. At least he had the decency to clean the blood off it.

But that's not why he brought it here. Celestial weapons are strictly forbidden in Hell for obvious reasons.

"So Dem was murdered by a demon hunter. I'm sure you came here to discuss something else as well," I raise my brow, suspicious. I know he didn't see me to discuss things I already figured out.

"I'm rather busy here in Hell. I have many matters to attend to and not much spare time," he twiddles the arrow through his clawed fingers, each talon the size of my hand. He watches me. Empty eyes assessing and calculating.

"Yes, I'm sure torturing innocents is a very important job that someone else couldn't do for you."

He ignores my comment. "I want you to get revenge for me."

Revenge. The word tastes sweeter than sugar. I can't think of anything I want more in this world than to rip his assassins heart out. To spit in his face as I pluck his teeth out with pliers. A smile tugs at my lips but not without the shock.

Seeing my bewilderment, Abaddon adds, "He was my son, Scarlet. I will not let his death go unavenged. I couldn't think of anyone who would be more than glad to do the job for me."

"It couldn't make me happier."

"I trust you will make its death painful and slow," Abaddon says and as quickly as he came, he leaves with the seed of payback planted firmly in my mind. The door clicks shut after Abaddon, leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Next to my broken heart, a slice of hatred arises. Thick and boiling, spreading like poison. I won't let Dem lie dead as his murder runs free, skipping and prancing around after his daring heist. Over my dead body will I let the killer live.

I will avenge Dem's death.

A million and one ways to murder the his killer spring to mind. Each tortuous method giving me wicked fantasies. Not even a hundred years of surgery will be able to heal this murderer once I'm finished with him. I will leave him completely and utterly broken. More shattered than a vase dropped from a plane.

Leaving my ruined chambers behind, I make my next stop the Gates of Hell, hoping the Gate Keeper will let me through because I'm not taking 'no' for an answer.

Each step hurts, feeling like chunks of me are falling out. I let Dem into my heart and he abandoned me. He left me exposed, vulnerable, weak, and never shall I let that happen again. I'm a demon. I don't feel such useless things. So right here I make a promise to myself.

I swear I will never let anyone get that close again.


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