The Daughter of the Yakuza

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With that split moment you lost sight into a certain attach, Daichi was fast to think running towards you to save you. Wounding Daichi in the arm, the group shouted at their captain with concern, your eyes were wide he did saved you he just put his life for you. You bit your lower lip as you grab Daichi's arm, " hold it tight so the blood with stop" you said to him he groan in pain.

Your tears slowly falls " it's my fault I am sorry" you said to him he smiled at you " don't worry its not your fault" he said as he pat your head.

"PRICESSSSS!!!!!!!" your head snap at the direction, there stood your fathers man, you smiled at them " finally you're here" you said wiping your tears, the boss man's stood in shocked at how many your fathers member is.

Vion your fathers right hand" Give us your order princess" he smirk,. You nodded and smiled at them " KILL AND TORTURE" you shouted at them and your man started running at the enemy slashing and killing them in the process.

The volleyball group was protected with your men, and Daichi was escorted to your car.

Vion: we will make sure everyone in your group will be safe home" he said as he pat Daichis shoulder, daichi nodding in thanks. The car started moving as you sit there in the side with silence.

Daichi: ummm this is not the way to my home" he said as he look at the passing houses

y/n: I know" you said with a smile, he look at you with confusion. The Car soon entered a big private place the mansion of your father. The place was kept private and highly guarded, the Japanese temple was an obvious sign that the people in this place is rich. The car slowly stops in front of the big door.

y/n: Bring him to my room" as you told your men, the three men slowly nodded and followed your orders. Daichi was now sitting inside a big Japanese room, big enough to be their house he sigh as he hold his mounded arm still it still hurts but the blood stops flowing already.

The door slowly opens as he saw you walking, you were now wearing a red kimono with lotus design behind you was 4 girls with different aid kit they slowly placed the items on the floor, you took your place in front of him as you help him in his arms. The touch of your hands makes him nervous but he knows well you know what you are doing.

y/n: thank you so saving me" you said as you looked at him, he smiled and nodded " also that's very dangerous you should never do that again, I mean I am used to those kind of happenings but you can't just do that uighhh" you groan pressing his wound harder than planned, he groans " ouch ouch" you slowly retreat your hand as you apologized.

Daichi: thank you" he said as you slowly got up, not before you can stand the door burst open revealing 2 male with black kimonos. Daichi was shocked and still waiting for things to happen.

Brother 1: father wanted to see you stranger" he said as he approach the wounded high school boy.

Brother 2: you come along too y/n" he said as you slowly stood up, Daichi followed them in the big room there stood a big man wearing black kimono with dragon details on it.

Daichi: too much things happen in one day ughh" he said as you walked beside him " yeah I know" you said as you pat his back.

y/n: he is here what do you need?" you shouted, Daichi was shocked at how disrespectful you are.

Brother 1: easy tiger" he said as he walked towards the big boss

Brother 2: heheheheh that's our princess" he stood next to his brother

Big Boss: so you are the one who saved our princess?" he said as he pointed out to Daichi, Daichi nodded " I wanted to thank you" he said as he slowly reveal a long sword , Daichi started to get nervous " Don't move boy" as he launch himself towards the highschool. Daichi heard a sound of clashing when he opens his eyes you were in front of him with your sword.

Y/n: ughh can you not please intimidate and scare my visitors" you shouted at him, the boss only nodded withdrawing his sword but not until he run towards you for another sword fight. The clashing of the swords was vivid and loud, Daichi only stood there not realizing what is happening.

Brother 1: don't worry this is how our father shows his concern" he said as the second brother only nodded and smiled. After few clashing the door of the main door opens, revealing a beautiful woman with the same feature as yours. She smiled at the young boy as he stood In front of the room.

Woman: I think that's enough honey, your delaying the dinner feast" she said, your father slowly smiled ruffling your head in the process. " Thank you for saving our daughter you are really brave to do so" she smiled " because of that kindly join us in a feast" she smiled

Father: NO is not an answer" he said as Daichi nodded, the woman walked towards your father and smiled " you are too hard on the boy my dear" she smiled kissing his cheeks

y/n: ughhhhh, thanks again you can join if you wanted to" you told him

and with that he met your whole clan family along the members.


Haikyuu X Reader (Various Chars X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora