Chapter 7: Confrontations

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    (Warning: Hospitals, mentions of eating disorders, mentions of malnutrition)

     (Third person POV)
   It had been three whole hours since Virgil was checked into the hospital. The group of friends sat in the lobby, waiting to see their friend.

     Roman didn't know why, but he was extremely worried about the emo. No, worried was an understatement, he was terrified over his new emo friend. He couldn't help but feel something for his dear friend that he has never felt for anyone before. Then is dawned on him. "Shit" he murmured.

   His thoughts were interrupted by someone calling out into the lobby. "Is anyone here for Virgil Anx?" A nurse called. Almost immidietly, all seven teenagers and one adult shot up, surprising the nurse. "Follow me."

     She began walking down the hall. "Okay. Before you all go in, I need to explain the situation." The group nodded, stopping with the nurse. "Virgil has beem diagnosed with Malnutrition. He basically hasn't eaten in weeks and if he did eat anything, he more than likely threw it up due to an eating disorder." The nurse explained, frowning at the many teens reactions.

     "Remain calm and quiet when you go in. He is still asleep, but he doesn't look so good. We don't want to overwhelm him when he wakes. I'm glad you are all here, because he doesn't have any names under his emergency contact list... You can all go in now." The nurse heald ths room door open for the squad.

    Roman was ths first to go in, gasping at the sight. Virgil was hooked up to several IV's and oxygen. The rate monitor beeping steadily. The princely boy made his way over to the side of the bed, the others following suit. Roman grabbed the bed ridden Virgil's hand, staring up at his face.

     "You alright bro?" Damian asked, placing a hand in Roman's shoulder. Roman sighed. "Guys... I think I like him... Like, like like him..." Roman admitted, laying his head down on Virgil's and his own joined hands. He felt several reassuring hands on his back.

~Time skip to an hour later~

   The teens each slept around the room. Deceit sat in one of the cushioned chairs with Remy curled up in his lap. Patton heald Logan close on the couch, his head buried in his chest. Joan and Talynn were curled up on the floor. Thomas had called his fiancé Jon Cozart, the two curled up on the other cushioned chair. Roman was the only one left awake, holding his crush's hand close.

    Virgil started to stir, groaning from pain in his head from a piercing headache. Roman shot his head up, watching the emo slowly open his eyes. He looked to the jock whom looked back at him. "H-hey princey" Virgil said weakly, showing a shakey smirk. 

    Roman leaped up and pulled Virgil into a long kiss, surprising Virgil completely. He soon kissed back, tears starting to run down his face. The kiss broke after a couple seconds, leaving the two boys flustered. "Y-you need to s-sleep Ro. Y-you l-look exhausted." Virgil said.

    Roman chuckled. "You should look in a mirror My emo Nightmare. No offence, but... You look like shit." Roman's comment caused both boys to laugh. "Here" Virgil said, scooting over to let Roman lay down. The fanciful boy climbed onto the bed, careful not to lay on any of Virgil's tubes, laying himself next to the Emo.
     Virgil rolled onto his side, curling up against Roman. Roman smiled and draped an arm over the boy, pressing a kiss to his forehead before closing his eyes. Virgil buried his face into Roman's chest, letting out a sigh of happiness before slipping back into sleep.

    After everyone was asleep, the nurse walked in to inform the group that visitor hours were over. She stopped dead in her tracks when she noticed all the sleeping people. She smiled and closed the door, letting it slide this once. 'What a lucky boy' she thought before returning to the nurse's desk.

Yay! The sad part is over!

Back to the really cute stuff!

I hope you guys are having a good day/night and I hope you are enjoying this story so far!

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


Teenagers (prinxiety/logicality Highschool AU) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now