Chapter 4: Rooftop Confessions

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    (Warning: swearing, mentions of eating disorder)

    Roman pulled into Virgil's driveway, turning off the car. "So this is where the Emo nightmare lives!" He said with a chuckle, earning an eye roll and a chuckle from the boy in the passenger seat.

    They both got out of the car and walked inside. "Welcome to my little hell! My parents are out of town so it's just me for awhile." Virgil said, dropping his bag by the door and kicking off his shoes, Roman doing the same.

    "So what do you wanna do? I got video games, movies, art shit, and instruments. Probably shouldn't mess with the instruments though." Virgil rambled. "What movies?" Roman asked, following Virgil to upstairs.

   The two boys walked into Virgil's room. Roman took in the sight, band posters, purple walls, black carpet, and a messy desk scattered around the room. "Well, I've got Harry Potter, The Sandlot, a couple Disney movies-" before he could finish naming, Roman cut him off.

    "Disney?" He asked, excitedly. "Okay then. Disney it is. We can start with Pocahontas." Virgil shrugged, walking over to his tv and flipping it on before putting the movie in. Roman sat on the emo's bed, waiting for the movie to start. Virgil took a seat next to the princely boy and pressed play on the remote.

    Soon enough, both boys were completely on the bed, leaning against the back wall. Their feet hung off slighly for they were sitting the short way. They were on their fifth movie amd it was only six O' clock.

    Virgil started to nod off, his head falling on Roman's shoulder. Roman tensed slightly, but relaxed after a few seconds. He rested his head on Virge's when he was sure the darkly dressed boy was asleep.

~Time skip to three hours later~

   After three hours, Virgil stirred. He blinked a few times before noticing a weight on his head. He looked over, being careful not to move his head. He noticed the brightly dressed boy asleep next to him and smirked.

    Carefully, he moved Roman so he was laying down without waking him before slipping off the bed. When he was sure Roman wasn't going to wake up, he climbed out the window and onto the roof.

    It was dark out now and the stars were visible for everyone to see. He sighed, hugging his knees as he stared up into the atmosphere. He was so entranced that he didn't notice the other teenager climbing out, onto the roof.

     Roman carefully walked over amd sat next to Virgil, glancing at the mesmerized teen before him. "It's really pretty tonight..." He finally spoke, causing Virgil to yelp and punch him in the face. Roman grunted and heald his nose. "What the hell?!" He shouted.

     "Sorry! You scared the living shit out of me!" Virgil defended, trying to look at Roman's nose. "It's fine. I'm fine" Roman said, letting go of his nose. Virgil smirked then laughed, causing Roman to laugh too.

     Once their laughter died, they both sat in a comfortable silence until Roman interupted it. "So... Tell me about yourself.." He tried, looking over to Virgil.

    "Well... Uhm.. My parents are out of town a lot so I uh... Live by myself most of the time..." Virgil replied, not used to telling people about himself for no one really cared. "Go on" Roman pushed, smiling caringly. "I work at that one coffee place, gets busy sometimes, but it's fun... I also uhm... God this is awkward..." Virgil said, rubbing the back of his neck.

    Roman smirked. "Its alright. Here, I'll share something about myself. Lets see... I have pretty leanant parents so I can do what I like most of the time." Roman said with a smile as he stared at the roof below them. "Your turn"

     Virgil thought for a second. "I sometimes forget to eat when I get really anxious or upset." Virgil said with a shrug. "Well that's not good if your always upset, but I guess your not... Right?" Roman asked, looking towards Virge.

    "Naw, I'm fine most of the time" Virgil replied. Little did Roman know that Virgil rarely ate at all due to an eat disorder his newly found friend developed. "Alright then. I really enjoy theatre. I hope to be an actor one day." Roman said, staring off into the distance.

     Virgil smiled, turning amd looking at the boy next to him as he talked about his dream. "Well, I have no idea what I want to do when I get older. Maybe open a gay bar or take over the coffee shop." Virgil said, closing his eyes.

    Roman nodded, the two continuing to talk. "Well, people know me as the 'hot emo who lead people on', but to be honest... I just havnt found the right guy." Virgil said on his turn, staring down at his feet. Roman smiled softly. "You'll find him. Who knows... He could be right infront of you and you wouldn't even know it" the princely boy said encouragingly. "I guess" Virgil said with a shrug.

     The two continued to talk until Roman checked the time. "Shit... I better get home. We got school tommorow and it's already eleven..." He sighed. "If ya want, you could crash here tonight." Virgil suggested. "Sounds cool! Im going to need to borrow some pajamas." Roman said with a bright smile.

    Soon the two boys were inside, Roman wearing a pair of black sweats and a purple T-shirt. "Alright. We cam share the bed or one of us can sleep on the floor. Either way is fine with me" Virgil said, sitting on the edge of the queen bed. "We can share the bed so neither of us gets a bad back" Roman said, sitting next to the emo.

    Virgil nodded and laid down, scooting over so Roman could lay down too. They turned on Hercules to fall asleep to and both turned away from eachother. After about twenty minutes, Virgil was asleep and Roman was close. The jock rolled over to face Virgil's back and sighed before placing an arm around Virgil's torso and falling asleep.

Lol, have a chapter.

I just had a banger night with my co-workers after work. We ate at a mexican restaurant then drove around some neighborhoods.

Anyway! I hope you guys are having a good day/night and I hope you are enjoying this story so far!

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


Teenagers (prinxiety/logicality Highschool AU) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now