Chapter 5: Where's Virgil?

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(Okay... Here we go. Warning: eating disorders, worried friends, swearing, throwing up, crying (all in detail))

(A/n at the bottom regarding the story)

(Third person POV)

Virgil stirred, his face immidietly pailing. His stomach jerked, causing the pressure feeling in his throat to let him know he was going to puke.

He quickly leaped out of bed, ignoring the protests amd shouts from the sleepy Roman and bolted into the bathroom. He slammed the door shut and fell over the toilet bowl, heaving into it.

Only stomach acid came up from lack of food, burning his throat painfully. The gagging caused his stomach to flex and jerk, becoming sore almosy immidietly. He coughed the remainder of it up, sitting back against the wall behind him. Soon a soft knock sounded from the door. "Virge? You okay?" Roman asked through the door, worry lacing his voice.

"Uh.. Y-yeah.. Just feeling a bit sick.. Why dont you head to school and I'll uh... Meet you there..." He called, cursing his shakey voice quietly. "Okay... If your sure. Ill see you at school." Roman said before walking back to Virgil's room to get dressed. Virgil remained in the bathroom until he hesrd his front door close.

He sighed, getting up and flushing the toilet before deciding to shower. He walked over to the tub, turning on the hot water. He quickly stripped and got in. The emo carefully sat down and curled up, hugging his legs and letting the hot water run down his back.

Tears ran down his face, blending with the falling water.

~time skip to after school~

Logan, Patton, and Roman walked into the detention room together. Roman and Patton were laughing over some joke they heard in English and Logan was hiding his smile in a book.

They sat down, starting to talk about math scores when three teenagers walked into the room. Roman recognized one as Damian. "Hey, I'm Talynn, this is Joan and that's Damian. Have any of you seen Virgil?" Talynn asked, concern laced in their voice.

Roman froze, while the other responded with 'no' and 'nope' with the P popping. The teens turned their heads to Roman. "What about you kiddo? You hung out with him yesterday." Patton asked, earning surprised looks from Talynn, Joan amd Deceit.

"Well... He was fine last night, but uh... This morning he was sick." Roman replied nervously. "This morning? You saw him this morning?" De asked, his eyebrow raised. "Last night, I didn't want to drive home so he offered me to stay over. Well I did, but in the morning, he ran to the bathroom and it sounded like he was throwing up. When I asked if he was okay, he said he was fine and that he would be here later." Roman explained, getting worried.

"Odd. Well he works tonight so we can stop by there after you guys get out of detention." Joan said, sitting down at a desk. "I guess we can chill her too. Hey where is the teacher?" Joan continued. "They havnt showed up at all this entire week." Logan said, a bit of annoyance in his voice.

The three new teenagers nodded. Conversation broke out between the teenagers, Patton officially adopting them all as his friends/sons. Not that the others cared, they enjoyed new friends. "Hey! If we are all going to see Virgil, could my friend Remy and my brother Thomas come? It would be so much fun!" Patton asked.

"Wait! The Thomas Sanders?!" Roman asked. Patton nodded, earning a very excited yes from Roman. The others agreed and Patton called both Remy and Thomas to meet them at the school.

~Time skip to after detention ended~

The six teenagers piled out of the school, meeting Remy and Thomas in front of the school. Deceit froze when his eyes met the tall teenager standing next to the famous broadway star, Thomas Sanders.

     Remy was taking a selfie, his sunglasses slightly tilted down. He was wearing a white crop top that said "sleep" with a black leather jacket. He wore black denim pants amd black combat boots. "Alright ladies~ ready to go?" Remy asked, looking up and meeting eyes with Damian.

     "Well arnt you quite the cutie~" Remy said, smirking at the eye candy infront of him. "Later Remy, we have to go." Thomas said, rolling his eyes. Roman was immidietly by Thomas's side. Thomas smirked and slipped Roman a folded paper.

    The jock quickly unfolded and gasped. Thomas had slipped him a signed poster of Heathers, signed by the whole cast including Thomas.

    The teenagers piled into the cars, making their way too the coffee shop.


Okay so this story is going to take a bit of a dark turn for two or three chapters. Don't worry, it will get better lol.

Thats all lol

I hope you guys are having a fantastic day and I hope you are enjoying this story so far!

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


Teenagers (prinxiety/logicality Highschool AU) CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora