Chapter 3: After School plans

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      (Warning: Swearing, a bit O fluff, brief mention of sex)

    (Third person)
  Logan was again, the first to show up to detention the next day. This was only the second day of detention and he had already kissed another student and admitted to having sex before.

    Roman had been the second one to arrive, huffing as he flopped down into a desk. He quickly took off his red jacket before slamming his head down on the desk.

    Logan lifted an eyebrow at the man's actions, but quickly shrugged it off before starting to study for an upcoming test.

    Patton came running in, tripping over his own feet, doing a small summersalt on the ground, and crashing head first into the wall. Roman stifled a laugh as Logan launched himself up to help the clumsy teenager. "Jeez Pat, what's got you in a loop" Roman asked, chuckling at his slight pun.

    "I thought I was gonna be late and I didn't want to make a bad impression if the teacher was here." He admitted, accepting the nerdy student's help up. "Just be careful next time Patton" Logan spoke up, helping the cardigan wearing clad sit down.

    Virgil showed up last, unzipping his black and purple patchwork hoodie to reveal a rather vulgar band shirt. "Damn dress code." He mumbled before sitting down in a desk. "Tell me about it! They made me wear my jacket normal instead of around my waist because my shirt is a tank top." Roman groaned, sitting next to Virgil.

   "Why can't they just accept that we are teenagers and teenagers just don't give a fuck about their damn rules? Virgil groaned out, causing a chuckle from the others.

    They sat in silence for a minute, before Patton broke it. "Soo... Who are your guy's friends?" He asked, trying to start a conversation. "I don't have any friends" Logan responded, rubbing the back of his neck.

     "What?!" Patton screamed. "That's it! I am now your official friend, in fact! I am now all of your guys friend!" He announced. They all nodded. "Well! I am friends with most of the football team and baseball team!" Roman said proudly. "Most?" Virgil asked.

    "There is this one kid who really gets on my nerves!" Roman awnsered. "I see. Well, I am friends with Joan, Talynn, and Damian." Virgil said plainly. Before Roman could question, Patton went. "I'm friends with Emile Picani and Remy sleep" he giggled.

    After awhile of chatting, Roman sighed. "I don't feel like going home. It's so boring there." He said sadly. "Well... You could probably come over to my place..? I got video games and stuff..." Virgil suggested awkwardly.

     "Really?!" Roman said excitedly. "I'd love to come over Virge!" He smiled wide, causing a faint blush to appear on the emo's face. "Cool" Virgil replied, trying to play it cool.

    Eventually, detention ended and the four went their seperate ways. Logan getting in his smart car, Patton riding his bike, and both Roman and Virgil taking Roman's red Mustang to Virgil's house.

Pick up next chapter lol.

Sorry for the cringy and short chapter

I hope you guys are having a good day and I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far.

Take it easy guys, gals, and my fellow non-binary pals! Peace out!


Teenagers (prinxiety/logicality Highschool AU) CompletedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang