You still had your grip on the sword giving you an idea, you swing the sword and slice the side of Elliore's leg making him scream in pain. You hit his sword away from your neck with your hand and run at Bucky, his eyes widen when you wrap him in your arms and spin around to cover him from the lightning bolt that the Zorian shot at him. Your body shook from the electricity finding its way through your system, a few seconds passed before they stopped.

"Y/N." Bucky gasped and cupped your cheeks, you slowly open your eyes when you closed them from the impact. You pant and smile at him.

"Recharge." He looks at you confused before you stand up, your knees buckle but you manage to keep your balance. "If you want to fight, fight me. But leave them out of this." You bend down and grab one of the knives from Bucky's thighs turning around and throwing it into the heart of the Zorian who originally planned on killing Bucky. You turned back to Elliore and swung your sword around in your hand slowly walking over to him.

"How- How- h-..." He struggled to form his sentence, you stopped in your tracks and looked around when his soldiers and the Zorians working with him readied their powers to attack you. "Wait!" You shoot your head back to Elliore when he yells. "You've got a deal." You raise a brow at him as he takes a step forward. "If you kill me, they all live and this planet is left alone." You stick your sword in the ground and lean on it.

"What's the catch?" You bounce your head and he smirks.

"If I kill you, I get to do whatever I want." You bite your lip in thought.

"You won't get far if you do, they'll stop you." You look back at everyone, they were all on their knees with their eyes glued on you. Steve and Tony were shaking their heads mentally telling you not to take up the offer, Carol's eyes were scanning the area and you knew she was coming up with a plan.

"Look at them, they can't stop us now, what makes you think they'll stop us later?" You glare at him and pull your sword out of the ground.

"Enough talking." You huff and swing your blade at his face. He hits your sword away and swings at you, you block him and stand back. You both slowly circle each other ready for any move one of you made, he jumps at you and you spin around under his blade dodging it. He swings his sword backwards and you block it with yours hearing the clink, he tries pushing your sword at you but you move his around in the air and onto the ground burning small green blades of grass from the flames on his sword.

You elbow him in the face and knee him in the gut taking a step back, he stumbles on his feet before snarling at you. You crack your neck by rolling your head to the left before spinning and using all the force you had to strike at his face, he ducks and swings his blade at your torso, you jump back and block him. You continued to block each other's swords before you managed to slice a large gash on his lower back, he screamed out in pain and you step back panting and struggling for air. You weren't going to let him win, and you didn't care if you were becoming tired, you were doing this for your friends; your family. You were doing this for Bucky, you weren't letting him die and you certainly were not going to let him go through the rest of his life without you. You needed him and he needed you, it didn't matter how gruesome things got, you'd do anything if it meant it'd give you even five minutes alone in his arms.

"Bitch." Elliore growled under his breath glaring into your soul.

"Yeh, tell me something I don't know." You smart talk him before he swings his sword at you once more, you gasp when you couldn't stop the amount of force that he swung at you. You stumbled back as he continued to use all his strength, you managed to stop his blade from touching you but you were losing your balance the more his sword hit yours. You hit a tree and let a out a short high pitched scream when his sword slices through the air towards your neck, you block it and push against blade with yours trying to keep it away from your body.

"You're going to die, and there will be no resurrection this time." He spat in your face an you scoffed.

"Funny, I could say the same thing to you." You push his sword up and grab his wrist with your hand punching him multiple times in the stomach, you made him move backwards a few steps before he bundled your hair in his fist and pulled your head back harshly causing you to hit your head on a tree. Everything spun when you blinked as you tried to regain yourself, you shake your head and turn around feeling something sharp and hot impale through your stomach. Elliore rested his free hand on your shoulder holding you up straight, your throat felt tight and your knees wobbled.

"I've gotta give it to you. You tried your best, but you could never defeat me. Tell your mother and father I said hi, and also they got what was coming for them." You look up into his eyes feeling the blood clot in your throat and make it's way up into your mouth. You could hear screams and crying from the distance but everything slowly tuned down into buzzing, you looked down at the blade before he pulled it out making you gasp. He let go of you letting you drop to the floor, you could still see everything but you couldn't move.

You watched Elliore slowly walk towards Bucky who had tears rolling down his cheeks as he glared murdering stares at Elliore, your ear piece began cracking before a girls voice took over and echoed through your skull.

"Y/N. Y/N!" Shuri called but you didn't answer, you were too weak to do anything. "I know you can hear me, you're still alive. When you took that lightning bolt, it removed some of the Zorian magic that was in your system, your cells are slowly starting to go back to normal. You can heal yourself and if you get hit by another lightning bolt then you're back to normal!" You could hear the excitement in her voice, you tried to speak but only began gurgling up thick red blood in the back of your throat. "You can do this Y/N! I believe in you! We need you!" Your fingers twitch and you slowly move your hand from in front of your face and to your wound, you take a deep breath and press your hand to the wound in your skin that was spewing out dark red liquid. You look down and see your warm blood staining your black uniform, you think about healing your wound to feel a tingling sensation surge through your body.

You exhale deeply when all the pain is soothed letting you think clearly, you take a deep breath and slowly get up as your strength comes back. You stand up straight to hear Shuri celebrating to herself through your ear piece, everyone's eyes turn to you including Bucky's causing a large grin to form on his face. Elliore turns around after seeing everyone reaction, his eyes widening in shock.

"You messed with the wrong people." Your hands glowed white causing your eyes to do the same.

"Yes!" Thor cheered happily before you stretched your arms out in front of you hitting Elliore with all of the energy that was stored inside of you for months, he crosses his arms in front of him making a shield as you continued to push forward with your energy blast. Everyone got up from the ground and took the opportunity to attack the others while they were distracted.

Save ME // New comers {Bucky x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now