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Name: Drake Blaze

Age: 19

Height: 6 foot 6 inches

Drake has the ability to learn different types dragon slayer magics and grew a resistance to motion sickness.

Dragon slayer magic:






Wind (different from sky)










Hair color: Black hair with red streaks
Eye color: Emerald Green (picture his eyes are emerald green)

Hair color: Black hair with red streaksEye color: Emerald Green (picture his eyes are emerald green)

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Replace Natsu with Drake

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Replace Natsu with Drake.

Personality: Strong, caring, fun loving, shy (mostly around girls who are attracted to him or flirts with him) serious (when the battle ask for it), annoyed(Mostly to Natsu and Gray arguing) A tad rebellious(when needed), laid back, Terrifying(when pissed off)

likes: Natsu and Gray(Like a little brothers when there not fighting), Lucy, Erza, Mirajane, etc Master Makarov, Noy, flirting with his girl especially Cana, teasing his girls(mostly Lucy, Erza, Mira, and Levy) Anything that's chocolate.

Dislikes: Gray and Natsu fighting, Natsu being dumb, Erza jumping gun, People who keep striping Lucy, Anyone who make his family cry(especially his girls you make them cry you gonna die), Jose, Dark guilds, anyone who hurts innocent people just for fun, Kain (watch when we get to that part), Those who harm his Chocolate! (RUN!!!!)

Exceed name: Noy

Imagine he is Black with red stripes and is wearing just black cargo pants

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Imagine he is Black with red stripes and is wearing just black cargo pants.

Magic Transformation: Noy magic allows him to transform from a small cat into a 9 foot 6 tall black anthropomorphic saber tooth tiger.

Magic Transformation: Noy magic allows him to transform from a small cat into a 9 foot 6 tall black anthropomorphic saber tooth tiger

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Black with red stripes and has saber tooth tiger fangs.

Father: Lord of all Dragons, The Chaos Dragon Agvuu

Father: Lord of all Dragons, The Chaos Dragon Agvuu

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Mother: Hope Blaze

Mother: Hope Blaze

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The best two pictures i could fine and picture the dragon is light blue

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The best two pictures i could fine and picture the dragon is light blue.

To let you all know i do not own any of these pictures and i did not draw them and i do not own Fairy Tail!

Fairy Tail: Tale of The Dragon Lord (Adopted By Julius123489)Where stories live. Discover now