"Your going to be fine." Jesy said. "Do it for Alex." Jade said. "Were all here for you." Leigh-Anne said and they all pilled in for a hug.

"Thanks guys. Perrie have you talked to Zayn?" She nodded. My phone started ringing and it was Harry.

"Hey babe." I smiled really wishing he was here to hold me.

"How are you? You going to be ok?" He said while I heard the boys in the background trying to listen to our conversation. I laughed.

"Yea." Jesy squeezed my hand.

"Just wanted to say good luck and we actually get to spend valentines day together." I smiled completely happy. "Were going to watch right now in our hotel room. Were all rooting for you!" I heard Lou in the background.

"Wifey we shall not let Harry intervin on out love. I love you the most!" He yelled and I think Harry punched him because all I heard was "ow" and "Zaynnnnnn".

"Jesy, Jade, Leigh-Anne, and Perrie are here." I said while putting my phone on speaker. I heard Zayn yell "Perrie!"

"Yes Zayn Perrie now move." I heard Harry.

"Perrie Zayn has a crush on you." Niall yelled in the background. Perrie giggled along with all the girls. The phone I'm guessing dropped because all we heard was the boys trying to get Zayn off Niall.

"Ignore the idiots ladies." Liam said. The producer came in saying it was time for my performance. "Good luck Claire!" Liam said after he hung up. I handed my phone to jade. The nerves were increasing as I got closer to my actual performance. A lot of people were in the studio cheering and waiting for me to come on. The girls were standing off to the side cheering me on as well.

I walked up and the place erupted in screams when I made my way to the stage. I waved and got ready to perform Who Says, my first single for my album. The people sang along with me and danced. The song was about Alex but not just about her it's about every other girl out there who believes there not beautiful. We aren't perfect but we are all beautiful no matter what anybody says. When I finished we went to commercials, during the break a piano was brought out and placed in the middle. I went to sign autographs and take pictures until the producer said we were on in 2. I walked back up stage and sat down in front of the piano.

That moment I was thinking of Alex and her life. She was the most strongest person I knew. I remember going to London and coming back home for the summer. At the time I hadn't had a clue what had happened in her life. Ian didn't have a clue either because he would have told me. Alex would always smile and laugh with us putting aside her past. On the outside she would put on a smile when she was with us but on the inside she was crying for help. To me she was made of steel. To me shes a warrior that's why I named the song Warrior cause she is one to me. I took a deep breath before being announced. The audience screamed but quieted down after I started with the first keys.

"This is a story that I have never told I gotta get this off my chest to let it go

I used the first words of the letter she wrote.

I need to take back the light inside you stole You're a criminal And you steal like you're a pro

Anger built up inside me as I thought of Alex's dad. Tears started building up.

All the pain and the truth I wear like a battle wound So ashamed, so confused I was broken and bruised

I closed my eyes but the tears started falling. Images of what Alex told me from that night started playing in my head.

Now I'm a warrior Now I've got thicker skin I'm a warrior I'm stronger than I've ever been And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in I'm a warrior And you can never hurt me again

Out of the ashes, I'm burning like a fire You can save your apologies, you're nothing but a liar I've got shame, I've got scars That I will never show I'm a survivor In more ways than you know

Alex was a survivor but not just her any other girl who had gone thru the same and had the strength to get back up was one too.

Cause all the pain and the truth I wear like a battle wound So ashamed, so confused I'm not broken or bruised

Alex had a couple of bruises and scars left and saw them as battle wounds.

'Cause now I'm a warrior Now I've got thicker skin I'm a warrior I'm stronger than I've ever been And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in I'm a warrior And you can never hurt me

There's a part of me I can't get back A little girl grew up too fast All it took was once, I'll never be the same

More tears fell from my eyes as I remember the letter she wrote.

Now I'm taking back my life today Nothing left that you can say Cause you are never gonna take the blame anyway

Now I'm a warrior I've got thicker skin I'm a warrior I'm stronger than I've ever been And my armor, is made of steel, you can't get in I'm a warrior And you can never hurt me again

No oh, yeah, yeah

You can never hurt me again

I opened my eyes and saw a couple of people in tears. They all clapped and screamed. I smiled feeling better.


We were all watching Claire's performance. My heart ached, I hated seeing her cry. The audience had a couple tears. Claire dried off her tears and walked over to Robin and George. She sat down between them and smiled.

"Do you see this I'm in tears." Robin said smiling. "That was a beautiful song."

"Did you write that? I see it's not in your album." George said looking at the CD in front of him.

"No I just helped write it. It was mostly written by the person who's the song about. I wouldn't really call it a song, it's a story."

"Well it's a very inspiring story to get back up." Robin said. Claire thanked her and smiled.

"So there were rumours swirling as to why you left your release party." Robin said. I haven't heard any so this should be good.

"There was one saying you and Harry Styles decided to elope?" We all started laughing here as to how stupid that was. "Harry when did you get married. I was suppose to be your best man." Lou joked.

"Ha! No that never happened. It was a family emergency and that's all." They both nodded and started talking about her album. They praised her on her songs and on how many albums she's sold. She talked about maybe going on tour this year but she didn't know.

"So how's Harry?" Robin asked and the crowd screamed. Claire smiled at her and George.

"He's doing good."

"What are you both doing for valentines day?" George asked.

"That's private." She winked at the camera. I smiled.

They went on to talk about upcoming movies she might be doing. Claire said goodbye and the show ended. I was a lucky guy. Claire was the most beautiful singer/actress out there and as Miranda said the publicity wasn't at all bad. I loved Claire ALOT and I'm going to make sure it stays that way.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now