Chapter 15

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Nya awoke the morning of her wedding, wishing she could have spent the night with Jay. Unfortunately, royal tradition had to be adhered, and Nya had to spend the night before their wedding alone. Still, sleeping in a warm bed was more than she could ever ask for, even though she wanted her love to spend it with.

She rolled over and played with the silk sheets, smiling to herself. Jay was now crowned king, and soon, she would be his queen. Although the title wasn't official, Jay had insisted on calling her his princess. Weeks before, such a nickname would have embarrassed her.

Nya's smile faded away as a sudden cold feeling swept over her whole body. It wasn't unpleasant, but it certainly startled her. She was about to dismiss it, when-


The purr of Nadakhan's voice filled the room. Nya's eyes widened as she glanced around the room. "N-Nadakhan?" She stuttered, wrapping a blanket around her shoulders. "Is that you?"

"Yes." His voice answered, much more loudly. "I apologize if my presence has startled you. I came to speak with you."

Nya swallowed. Although matters with Nadakhan had ended on somewhat positive terms, she still felt uncertain about his return.

"What is it?" She asked quietly, not wanting to wake anyone passing by her room. Was anyone even able to hear him? The sorcerer's voice was practically booming through the walls.

"First, a message from your mother. She was unsure of how to approach you, since her soul is protecting yours, so she sent me instead."

Nya's heart fluttered at the mention of her mother. "Oh... what does she have to say?"

"She wanted to give you her congratulations, on the wedding and your upcoming coronation." Nya could hear the smile through his voice. "And I wanted to congratulate you as well."

Nya smiled, feeling warm. "Tell her I said thank you, and..." She hugged her body. "I love her and I miss her, and father too. Every day. Oh, and Kai... I'm sure he'd want to say the same too." She smiled towards the ceiling, unsure of where to look. "And thank you, Nadakhan."

"You are welcome. I... suppose this may seem... strange to you..." His voice trailed off, as if he was backing away from her.

"Nadakhan?" Nya stepped closer to the window, the light, hoping to hear him better. "Your visit?"

"Yes, and... what I am about to propose."

"...What?" Nya shook her head. "Nadakhan, we... we don't need anything else. Jay and I... we're happy, the way you left us and for evermore."

She could hear Nadakhan inhale sharply, and Nya's heart skipped a beat. Was he growing impatient with her? Was he going to... punish her?

"Nya..." Nadakhan began slowly. "Jay never made his final wish."

A terrible chill ran down Nya's spine, but the fire within her burned brighter than her fear. "Nadakhan, if this is some sort of trick-"

"It is not a trick." The sorcerer crept on. "I... it..."


"Nya, this may seem like the incorrect thing to say, but this is for my own interest..."

"Nadakhan..." Nya warned, pacing around the room. "Tell me, now."

The Samurai and the Snake (NINJAGO)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora