Chapter 4

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The awful sting of hunger came to Nya again, causing her to bite her lip. She glanced around, trying to find any work that needed to be done around the room in order to earn her bread. Strangely enough, the room was completely spotless, despite the fact that she hadn't seen any servants leave or enter the room. She ventured outside, spotting an old suit of armor covered in dust. Untying her apron, she began to wipe the armor down, brushing away any dust she could find.

"Excuse me." A feminine voice appeared behind her. "There's no need to clean that, mistress. I can take care of it."

"Oh, I'm sorry." Nya blushed with a quick laugh, turning around. "I just assumed I needed to work to eat-" Her eyes widened as she realized she was talking to no one.

"Down here." The voice spoke again, almost embarrassed. Nya glanced down and gasped loudly, realizing the voice was coming from a small gray feather duster with a bright white handle. Upon further inspection, Nya realized the handle was in the shape of a small woman, moving her arms to catch her attention.

"I... um..." Nya shook her head, completely astonished. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to react so loudly."

The feather duster giggled softly. "That's alright. Like I said, there's no need to work for your daily bread. We are happy to serve another. It's, well, it's been so long." The woman on the handle seemed to blush, covering her face with her hands slightly. The purple gemstones sparkled on the long white dress that ended in feathers as she floated upwards, dusting the armor for her.

"Are you sure?" Nya asked. "I'd hate to intrude. I already feel like I'm taking up so much space, if that makes any sense."

"Nonsense." Another voice chimed in, this time masculine and just as polite as the feather duster. Nya turned her attention to the steady clinking, identifying it with a small silver candelabra with the body of a man. He bowed to Nya, giving her the impression that she should crouch to their level.

"I... I have a feeling the castle is enchanted." Nya spoke, watching the two objects greet each other with a kiss.

The candelabra chuckled softly at this. "Perhaps you are right. I am called Zane, and I presume your name is Nya."

Nya nodded. "And your name?" She asked the feather duster, reaching out to her.

"Pixal." She responded gently, placing both delicate hands atop the tip of Nya's finger. "It is an honor to finally meet you, mistress." She swayed towards Zane and kissed him on the cheek. "I'll leave you two be. I must attend to my duties."

Zane waved a hand-candle at her before turning to Nya. "Are you hungry?" He asked her gently. "We have the most delicious feast being prepared right now. It would be a shame for it all to go to waste."

"Thank you." Nya smiled softly, unable to protest any longer. "It smells wonderful."

He lead her down the stairs and down the hall, his metal boots clinking across the marble. "I hope that my cooking is suitable. The master seems to think so, but I fear it isn't what it used to be." He struggled to pull out a chair for her before Nya decided to help him out.

"I'm sure it will be lovely." Nya reassured him as she sat down. "I'll eat anything, honestly."

"You poor thing. You must have been starving all day." He folded a napkin across her lap and set up a small menu for her, filling up a goblet of water for her. She drank it quickly, forgetting how wonderful the taste of clean water was. Zane looked upon her with pity as he ordered it to be refilled.

"Now, I fear your brother may have eaten our last supply of duck, but I can assure you it will be on the menu tomorrow night." He took a look at the menu, mumbling as he skimmed through. "Vegetable stew is always available, roast potatoes... we may have a few, bread is a staple, fruits... do you drink wine?"

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