Chapter 11

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Nya nearly fell to her knees in shock, feeling the tears build up in her eyes. Behind her, she heard the clinking of the castle's inhabitants as they approached her.

"Where's Jay?" Lloyd whispered, his voice breaking. Wu shushed him, telling him to go to bed.

"Nya." Zane spoke. "I promise you, our master will return to us."

"That sorcerer..." Nya shook her head, unable to think. "How am I going to combat against magic? He took Jay to... who knows where..." Nya slipped down to the floor, covering her face. Zane moved to her side and rubbed her arm gently, Pixal and Wu soon following.

"I was going to tell him..." Nya whimpered between tears, her heart breaking.

"Tell him what, Nya?" Pixal whispered.

"I was going to tell him... I know him, years ago, I knew him from our childhood, and..."

"And...?" Wu asked.

"... I love him."

In a flash of orange light, the room cried out. Nya found herself flying to the side as a loud bang shook the walls of the castle.

Then, after a moment of silence, Nya shakily opened her eyes, only to widen them in shock. She scrambled to her feet, only to stumble back again, completely stunned.

Three people sat in place of the living objects, all as stunned as she was. "Nya..." A young woman with white hair whispered in Pixal's voice. "You just broke the curse."

Nya felt her heart sink into her stomach. "I... I did what?"

The one in Zane's place, a tall man with blonde hair, scrambled towards her, only to trip over himself and crash into her. He laughed, giving her a large hug. "I forgot how tall I used to be. Nya, thank you so much!" He squeezed her tightly.

An old man with a long, white beard approached Nya gently. "I'll let these two explain. I need to find my nephew and Misako."

Pixal and Zane both nodded, giving Nya space and allowing her time to process what had happened.

"So... all I had to say was..." Nya shook her head. "I just had to say I loved him? That was seriously..." She laughed, tears forming in her eyes. "That's so simple."

"Well, you genuinely had to be in love with him too." Pixal elaborated. "That was why we were afraid it could never work. We couldn't tell you because we were afraid you would feel forced to."

"We are surprised you two fell in love so quickly." Zane smiled. "Perhaps that has to do with you two already knowing each other. I didn't expect that."

"Same here." Pixal breathed. She glanced around in awe, and Nya realized the entire castle was transformed as well. As they all stood to look out the window, Nya gasped, nearly falling to her knees again.

The harsh blizzard had gone away, with only sunshine and green grass surrounding the shining courtyard. Rose bushes bloomed all around the castle gates, and the forest surrounding the area seemed to thin out. She could finally see Ignacia, which wasn't so far from the castle after all. People from the town were beginning to make their way over, and inhabitants from the castle were now dashing out of the gates, meeting everyone below.

"The castle has returned to its former self." Zane smiled.

"But no Jay." Nya whispered, realizing the orange rose was still floating in its place. Taking the glass case off, she reached for the rose and took it in her hand, the thorns piercing into her skin.

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