Chapter 9

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"Jay?" Nya asked after their meal was cleared. "Are you ready to dance?"

Her heart was pounding, despite the fact she knew he had promised her. She had no idea why she was so nervous, or rather, so flustered when it came to asking.

Jay's mouth was agape, his yellow eyes wide. "I..."

Nya smiled to herself, standing up from her seat. Perhaps I need to lead. She crossed over to his side of the table and took his claws in her hands, tugging. "Come on, dance with me!" She giggled, trying not to let her pounding heart break up her speech.

Jay's mouth shut, his lips curling into a smile. He sat up and took her arm, guiding her to the ballroom. A mass amount of lit candles gave the room a warm, golden glow, apart from the golden accents on the walls.

Nya almost cried at the gorgeous sight. Never in her life had she seen anything so beautiful, so warm and inviting. She left Jay's hold for a moment to twirl around the giant, open space, giggling like a little girl as the skirts on her dress picked up with each spin.

Jay moved towards her, reaching out to take her hand, only to reach for her waist by mistake. He gasped and shrank back in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I meant to-"

Nya smiled and shook her head. "It's okay. Your hand is supposed to go there, anyway." She took his claws and guided each one to the proper spot. "You're a bit tall, but I'm sure I can reach your shoulder."

Her small hand upon his shoulder sent a chill through Jay's spine. He pulled her in a little closer to ease the awkwardness between them, letting his arms relax. "If I keep stepping on your toes, you can always put your shoes on mine." He joked.

Nya laughed out loud, moving her head down and close to his chest. He was so warm and smelled so... wonderful. She moved in a little closer, the ever-present heat on her cheeks and nose glowing redder by the second.

Jay chuckled nervously, swishing his tail. "So, uh, I think we step in a box formation."

Nya shook her head, snapping out of her trance. "Right."

In the background, Zane and Wu had started some music. Pixal was humming a lovely little tune, and Zane soon joined in with her. Nya smiled at the sweet sound, swaying side to side with Jay as he led her in the steps.

"So, you used to dance with your father?" Jay asked softly, avoiding stepping on her toes to the best of his ability.

Nya smiled at the memory. "Yeah. He and my mother were always working, but they always found the time to have fun with us. Sometimes dancing was the only form of entertainment we could all take part in." She lowered her eyes. "Even before poverty hit us, we were always poor."

"I'm sorry." Jay mumbled softly. He had moved his head closer to her neck to listen to her better. "I wish I could tell you how much I understand."

"That's right." Something clicked in Nya's brain, a feeling she couldn't explain. "You were raised as a peasant. Did your father ever dance with you?"

"No." Jay smiled, then laughed. "Oh god. He tried to sing, though. Emphasis on tried."

He twirled her, lifting her into the air for a brief moment. Nya gasped at the movement, holding onto his arms. "Wow, and I thought you weren't that strong." She giggled, now holding onto both of his shoulders. "You could barely lift that box in the workshop."

"That isn't nice!" Jay pouted before cracking a smile. "Actually, yeah. But that box really was heavy!"

Nya laughed and moved in to hug him, letting him spin her around once again. Both had forgotten all propriety, and were now spinning around and laughing like children. The mother members of the castle looked down at them with warm smiles, knowing their freedom was coming sooner than ever.

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