Welcoming Ceremony

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Primtalia: School of Sorcery
Chapter Eight
Welcoming Ceremony

Elizabeta had lead us towards the front of the dining hall where the professor's tables were at. A few of them were already seated, but the majority of professors could be heard at the entrance of the room, guiding students, new and returning to their tables and answering questions with haste.

Before I knew it, the entire dining hall was flooded with the sound of everyone talking, I almost didn't hear Bliss's hyperventilating due to excitement. "I can't wait to see what new kids we're going to get!" She said, "I hope we have some cute kids put into the Ian's house!"

"I'm rather curious about who's getting sorted this year but for a different reason," Elizabeta spoke sternly as she kept an eye on the entrance.

"How come?" I asked, following her eyes to Mrs. Hyenni, who was in front of a line of what looked to be the first years.

She shifted her gaze onto me before giving me a knowing look, "I'm not one to spread rumours, but if it's true, you'll know when you hear it... But I will say, pay attention to the names you'll hear called this year." With her eyes, she pointed over to the entrance before turning her attention over towards the front of the room. There, the headmaster looked ready to start his speech.

He waved his wand up and spun it slowly before pointing it to his neck and saying something I couldn't make out over the crowd, but looking back up at the crowd, he spoke, "Welcome back everyone!" The wand, projecting his voice to be louder than the crowd, quickly silenced everyone.

He smiled, "I hope you've all had a spectacular summer... unfortunately, during the break, as many of you have heard, or will hear through spread of mouth, there was an incident here at school involving a few different parties...

Before any of you assume anything of it, let me be the first to confidently state that everything has been completely settled regarding the small incident."

He went on, continuing to discuss some of the school events that would be coming up but I couldn't help but linger on what he had just said. And though I wanted to ask Bliss or Elizabeta for clarification, I was distracted yet again by clapping.

"- Antonio Fernandez, could you come up here?" The Headmaster asked, glancing at Toni who's eyes lit up happily as he skipped over beside him.

"All Talian students are to now report to Mr. Fernandez, their new prefect! Let's give him another warm round of applause!" And so, everyone began to cheer for him again. Silence then flooded the room again as Antonio found his way back to us with a grin plastered across his face, "Now then, let's introduce our newest students this year... Will all the first years please come in?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Hyenni entered the dining hall, leading a long line of small children inside, one of which was Peter who high-fived one the twins as he walked passed them joyfully. In the front of the line, a small boy walked foreword until he was standing in a small circle that was surrounded by five statues, each one defining a different house.

As he stood there, everyone sat quietly for a moment before the yellow statue moved foreword, causing the Talian table to jump up cheering and the Headmaster to introduce the boy by his name before pointing him towards the Talian table.

A few more students passed just as him without issue until finally another small boy with black hair and bright green eyes walked up to the circle with a scowl on his face. It took a while before any statue moved, but after a minute of consideration, the black statue moved towards him and the Headmaster smiled, "Welcome to the Etals house, young Justin Andrews!" But with a small smile formed on his face, he ran up to the table to get a seat with his fellow house mates.

Primtalia: School of Sorcery (Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now