"Let me explain, her daycare won't let her continue there because I can't afford it I don't have anyone here watch her I promise she won't be any trouble." She looks at Everin and Everin gives her small smile. "Fine but this is coming out of your pay. She walk away. "Th...thank you." I give Everin a kiss on the forehead and walk away. I put my apron on and grab my notepad and pen in the back of my pocket. Walking to the back of the kitchen I grab a glass to put some strawberry milk in it, when I heard my manager talking to some of the other waiters about me. "She has some nerve bringing her little brat here and showing up late, unprofessional if you ask me." "She told me that they kicked her kid outta daycare because she can't afford it." "But I thought strippers make good money?"

 "She's not a stripper just an annoying bitch." "She probably can't even afford to feed the brat, I heard the father left them because she wasn't making enough money and she doesn't care about her daughter." "I'm probably going to fire her later on tonight before closing, she's a terrible waitress." I tear rolled down my face as I listen to the terrible things they were saying about me, and my daughter. Everin has never gone day without eating and I do everything I can for her. I would never abandon her or hurt her. All of a sudden I started to feel angry. I was angry because i'm doing all I can to provide for my daughter and the people who I thought were nice and kind are actually terrible people, angry that I can't afford to keep my baby in school because I don't get good pay here. I grabbed my notepad and pen and wrote a message on it to my co-workers and manager.

I quit...

I walk to the front grabbing Everins hand. "Were leaving," "But what bout my strawberry mi..." "I'll get you some somewhere else." We were now sitting down at Waffle house and Everin was now stuffing her face with waffles and bacon. "Don't get any syrup on you clothes baby." "Yes mama." I had my hands on my face trying to figure out what i'm going to do. I have to find another job but no one is hiring around here. I rub my forehead and take a deep breath as my foot taps up and down. "Don't worry mommy we be okay." I look at my blue eyed baby girl who was trying to comfort me. "Thank you baby mommy's just a little tired okay, you don't have to worry about me, that's my job." I grab her hand kissing it. "What we do now?" Now that I think about it I there is someone that I miss very much.

"Grandma!" Everin screams as she runs to her with open arms. After she was born Mrs, Waters decided to get a house down here to stay in whenever Mr, Waters left for business, and so she be able to see Everin and spend time with her. I follow after them and close the door behind me locking it. "So deary tell me, how is work going?" "Well it's going great you know." I lay clasping my hands together nervously laughing. "Sweetie come on, are you sure, you look stressed, and it looks like you lost weight have you been eating lately?" 

 One thing that is true about this woman is she always knows when something isn't wrong, and it's so hard to try to get anything passed her, almost as if she can read your mind. "Anastasia Walker what's going on young lady?" I scratch my head trying not to look at her in the eyes but it's too hard. "Everins daycare won't let her attend there anymore because I can't afford it and I quit my job." I say quickly. "Are you serious sweetie, oh no that's it we are just going to have to go back and have a conversation with that Mrs Washing..." 

"That won't do any good, she refuses to take her, and now i'm jobless, I don't know what i'm going to do i'm so exhausted working from morning till night and don't even make a lot of money, it's so annoying and i'm doing everything I can." I say beginning to cry. Mrs Waters pulls me into her arms rubbing my back.

 "Oh sweetie i'm so sorry if I would have known this was going on I would of had my Angelo get you a job with one of his companies I will have to have a talk with him and see what he can do honey, I'm so sorry." She pulls away grabbing my shoulders. "You know that if anything happens you can always stay here with me, I can take care of you too and we would have a wonderful time here. Now you listen to me,  you are a strong beautiful young lady and things will turn around for you, just keep your head up and have faith." I nod my head listening to her words of encouragement. I grab my foot that was aching and begin to rub it. "Thanks Mrs Waters." She looks down at my feet and notices the the small cut I have from tripping while at work. "Look at those feet, when was the last time you had someone give you foot massage sweetie?" "Never." I reply shrugging my shoulders. "Darling don't you think it's time to meet someone?" "What do you mean?" I ask knowing exactly what she was talking about. "I mean it's been 3 years since...Jackson and I know your still healing, but sweetie you need man in you life, someone that can take care of you and Everin, then you wo.." "I can take care of Everin all by myself."

 I interrupt her not wanting to continue this conversation. "I know your still hurting baby...but you gotta let it go, he's gone." I know that Jackson was gone, but I wasn't ready to let go of him. The pain that was in my heart 3 years ago is still there, reminding me everyday, every minute, and every second. Every time I look at Everin I see him, I see his smile, his eyes, his everything. I can't trust anyone around Everin and don't want to move on. I don't need anyone, and I can take care of myself and my daughter all by myself. "I miss him so much." She removes the tears from my face with a cloth and embraces me with a hug.

 "I know dear, there's not a day that goes by where I don't think of him, but now you have to think of you and Everin, a man could make your life so much easier and he may not be Jackson, but maybe he could fill that hole that's in your heart." I know she means well but I'm not ready to take that big of step yet. "I'll tell you what I'm gonna keep Everin until Sunday, and have granddaughter and grandma time and you take the weekend and get some rest and think about this please... for Jackson, he would want you to move on and live you life happy." 

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Everin Waters (Yes she gave her Jackson's last name)

2 years old

Lucas Lanson

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Lucas Lanson

24 years old

24 years old

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