Ch8 Fame

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I was able to avoid Jackson all week. I would leave early for work so he wouldn't see me and I would go straight home and stay in my room until I knew he was out the bathroom and in his room. I even avoided him at work dodging him in every way I could. Also smashing into a wall trying to run from him. 

It was Thursday so this was the last day of shooting. We've been at it all day, I was so tired but it was worth it, and everyone is nervous about what Valentino is gonna think of the project tomorrow but we have confidence he's gonna be impressed. "Alright that's a wrap amazing job everyone, see you tomorrow."

 We all cheered and walked out the room. "So Anastasia are you excited?, by tomorrow you'll be famous, and everyone will know your name." I haven't really had time to process everything that's gonna happen after tomorrow, I've just been so busy focusing on this project and avoiding Jackson. "I'm actually pretty nervous this is just a lot and it's all happened so fast, i'm just grateful for the opportunity to do this, and I hope Valentino likes it." Daniel smiled at me. I really appreciate the fact that everyone is finally being nice to me, it made everything so much better and fun. We all even went for drinks again.

 My body was so exhausted that I was ready to pass out on the floor. Nadonna and the girls were having a slumber party at her place and they invited me so I brought my pajamas with me to wear after the shoot as did the other girls. We got in Nadonna's car and played Wake up in the sky by Bruno Mars. Once we got to her place we got out the car dancing until I saw her house, it was so beautiful and big. I wish I grew up in a house as big as this one. When we got inside there were two maids taking our bags for us, there was music already playing and in the kitchen was full of junk food. My mouth was watering just looking at the pizza. 

We were having so much fun, this was my very first slumber party and it awesome so far. We all had a pillow fight and did karaoke and made a huge tent in her huge living room. It was late now so we all sat in a circle gossiping about things, and sipping wine. "There's no way that they're not doing it, especially after the way they were dancing at the club the other night, it's disgusting." "She was just drunk she doesn't like him like that she told me the other day." "Well if she did I wouldn't blame her because he is cute." They all started laughing at Brit and Janet's conversation. They went on and on about the other male models at work until Nadonna got tired of hearing them argue about who was cuter and told them to shut up. "So Anastasia... you got anyone special in your life?"

 After she asked that everyone's eyes landed on me. "Uhh, well not really." I got so nervous, I really don't like talking about things like that. "Oh come on, as beautiful as you are, and there's not a man in the picture.?" "I don't believe her, come on sis spill the tea, what is said in Nadonna's house stays in Nadonna's house." They all started giggling. I instantly began to think about Cody. A smile crept on my face and they all started laughing. "See you makin the face just tell us." What's the harm of telling them right? "Okay Okay I'll tell you, there is this one guy I've had a crush on since I got here but i'm pretty sure he's just interested in being friends." They listened attentively shaking their heads up and down. 

 "Well he better catch some feelings fast because I see how Jackson be looking at you. Girl he might be liking him some chocolate." Ewww "Okay gross I can't stand that asshole and i'm pretty sure i'm far from what his type is and he's definitely not my type." I cringe at what Nadonna just said. Never in a million years would I ever be with the asshole Jackson Waters. They don't even know what I go through with him already. I don't care how good looking he may be. "So what is your type exactly then missy?" I took a second to think, I never really knew what my type was after all I've only had one boyfriend, and he was crazy as hell. 

I put my hand on my face remembering how bruised up it  was. "I'm not sure, I guess I just know what I like when I see it." The girls began going back to there separate conversations and having a good time. I felt a little sad at that moment thinking about Derek I could still remember everything about us like it was yesterday, when I first met him to the night he hurt me. And then it hit me, I made a promise to myself, a promise to never fall for another man again, I refuse to let myself get hurt again I don't care who you are, I have to be strong. I tried to take another sip of my wine but realized I already finished the glass. I sat it down and laid my head on my pillows and closed my eyes trying to forget about everything, slowly falling asleep. 

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