"No! Stop it! I'm not a victim!" Felicia's mind screamed. "I'm not a victim." Felicia struggles to say as venom choked.

"What was that?" Venom asked. Felicia's eyes opened revealing them to be glowing a brilliant Green.

"I'm not a victim!!!!" She screamed. Suddenly Lights we're surrounded by a green aura and began short circuiting, creating sparks that fell down from above. The sparks were harmless however. The microphone and amplifiers were also surrounded in the aura before suddenly they began to do something weird as they began to make a sound like feedback. The sound got louder and louder. As this happened Venom started to scream out in pain as the sound was getting too loud for him. He dropped Felicia and grabbed his head like someone who was trying to cover their ears. The venom symbiote seemed to be on the fritz as was shaking violently. Finally it retreated into Eddies body, the sounds were still painful for him though. Peter then shot a web that grabbed flash then ran to Felicia. Once he had them both he ran out of the building. When he was outside. He turned to Felicia.

"Stay here!" Peter said. He then ran back inside. But what he found was an empty gym with some destroyed amplifiers. Sighing he went back outside. When he did he found that Felicia wasn't where he left her. Looking around he saw her some white hair climb the school building. Worried she might have saw Eddie and is going after him, peter ran after her. Wen he reached the roof she wasn't in sight. But he could hear someone talking to themself. Following the sounds he found Felicia curled into a ball. She seemed scared half to death. She kept saying the same thing.

"I'm not a victim. I'm not a victim." Over and over repeatedly. This worried peter a lot more then if she was going after venom. What happened to her. Peter walked to her slowly then bent down she didn't react to him.

"Felicia?" Peter called as he put a hand on her. When his hand made contact with her shoulder  she seemed to jump from her skin as she quickly shot away from where she had been sitting. She stared at peter wide eyed. Peter looked into her eyes and saw that she was scared. "Felicia? Are you ok?" Peter asked.

"Yes.... no..... i don't know." Felicia said as she started to cry. She pulled off her goggles and rubbed her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Peter asked.

"I-I don't know. I just.... feel so helpless, so powerless, and.... and...." Felicia then moved to peter and hugged him. Then the dam broke as she began to cry like a child. Peter was shocked by this. He looked down at Felicia as she cried then hugged her back. As she continued to cry peter only thought about how he needed to help her however he could. Right now it seemed she needed a shoulder to cry on. So right now... his job wasn't to be Spider-Man even though he wore his mask. His job now was to be peter Parker.

"I'm here Felicia. I'm here." He said. Then he just listened to her wail while tears streamed down her face like a river.

Time skip
Several weeks

Peter was sitting with Felicia in a lobby. Felicia's expression said that she was tired and unhappy. Peter was simply waiting for them to be called. Peter had brought Felicia to a psychiatrist against her wishes. She didn't want to go even though she clearly needed to. She claimed that there was nothing wrong with her. It wasn't until after the last few weeks of no sleep from nightmares did she finally agree to see a psychiatrist. Peter had an idea of what might be wrong with her but he though he needed a professionals opinion. The door opened and a lady stepped into the doorway.

"Come on in ms. Hardy." The women said. Peter looked at her. "You can come to. It's probably best for you to hear this as well." She said. Then both peter and Felicia got up. They walked through the door into another room where there was a couch  with a chair in front of it. "Have a seat." The lady said. Peter and Felicia sat down beside each other. Then it was quiet for a moment.

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