"Oi what're you doing there Missy?"

"I'm eating your burger" she told me, while chewing, a sly smirk on her face, "You got your own one" I told her pointing at the one she was holding in her hands.

"But I wondered something and I wanted to know if it was true" she told me, smiling.

"And what where you wondering about?"

"That because the burger touched your lips, if it would taste like them then" she said, really thinking about it, her gaze fixed on me and her finger stroking her chin.

"And is it true?"

"I'm not sure I think I'll have to test it" she said and winked at me, giggling slightly.

"Your such a dork Pez"

"Yet you fell for me" she told me teasingly, I blushed a bit, knowing it was true, her dorky side was one of the things that made me fall for her even deeper.

"And I never regretted it, not even for one second" now it was her time to blush, I kissed her cheek and she turned to me.

"I can't believe you are here on a date with me, I'm really lucky" she said, smiling and leaning onto me slightly, my hand cupped her cheek, making her look at me.

"I'm the lucky one, you said yes to go on a date with me" she was about to say something, when I interrupted her, "You have a little something there" I told her and kissed the with ketchup covered spot at the corner of her mouth, nearly on her lips.

"I think you missed my lips" she teased and leaned in, soon our lips met and this overwhelming feeling was here again, my stomach doubling over with joy. Here I am on a date with one of the most gorgeous persons I've ever laid eyes on and she's actually kissing me. You heard right, Perrie how the fuck is she that hot Louise the softest lips ever Edwards is kissing back and it feels like heaven on earth.

We pulled away and both of us smiled like idiots, staring in each others eyes, her blue orbs never fail to amaze me with their beauty, they look really pretty when you see them the first time, but nothing out of the ordinary, but when you look in them more precisely you can see so much in them, like I can see mine and Pez' future and see every little emotion in them.

My eyes trailed to her lips, leaning in again, when she jumped up, screaming, "Let's go to the bumper cars", I fell down on the floor and got up again, with the help of Pez. She jumped excitedly again and we got to the bumper cars, it looked really fun, all these people were having a laugh, so I bought some chips for the cars.

We got in one and started bumping into people randomly, laughing our asses of at the reaction of those, my one arm was on the steering wheel and my other one was around her waist, so that she leaned into me. Every time someone would bump into us Pez would get closer to me. There's no need to tell that this wasn't just a coincidence.

The car stopped after way to less time, making Pez and me groan because it was over that soon. Thankfully the next round started soon, but this time everyone was bumping into us for some reason, only us. We were being bumped from every direction possible. Every time someone would bump us really hard Pez would groan, she did it that frequently that it nearly sounded like she was moaning and that was really hot.

I thought about how it would be to actually hear her moan, because of me, her being under me, I'm doing stuff to her like kissing her naked- "That's so much fun, Jadey" Pez giggled and kissed my cheek, why was I thinking about that? I mean she is hot, but it's too soon to think about doing something like that to her.

Anyways after we've been huge victims for a few rounds we got out, holding our sides, backs and heads, from the pain shooting through our bodies. "Ow that last one hurt" Pez exclaimed referring to the very last crash, two teenage boys behind us, crashing into us with full force, that one really did hurt an awful lot.

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