Chapter 20: ReaderFromWR vs. Wario

Start from the beginning

She started to cry, as ReaderFromWR texted everyone that JCR died while he tried to calm her down.

ReaderFromWR: Things will be alright. The damage can be undone once we take the Power Glove off of Wario.

ReaderFromWR continued flying towards Wario and Dark Squid.

Dark Squid: Who on earth is heading towards us?

Zelus: He's one of the good guys.

Orange Angel: What does he want?

SMG3: I bet that he's trying to get Wario, but he will stop the flying guy.

Desti: SMG3, I haven't told you this before, but you're a pretty nice and very evil guy... and I love it.

Desti kissed SMG3, making him blush.

SMG3: Thank you.

Dark Squid: Wario! Kill him.

Wario: Yeah!

He shot a lightning bolt, as ReaderFromWR just stood there.

Aria: Reader, look out!

The lightning hit ReaderFromWR, but nothing happened.

Dark Squid: What?! That's impossible! Wario, again!

Wario shot many more lightning bolts at ReaderFromWR and they didn't do anything to him.


ReaderFromWR continued flying towards Wario and fended off enemies with jetpacks that flew towards him.

ReaderFromWR: You better pay for what you did. They're controlling you. This isn't who you are. Undo the damages now!

Wario: No! I won't let Dark Squid down! Besides, this isn't my final form!

Wario flew up and began to glow. He transformed into a giant mechanical squid with the Power Glove at the end of both tentacles.


ReaderFromWR: I think I can. Aria, you stay here while I take care of Wario's
new form Disintegrate Whip.

He flew up to Disintegrate Whip and started to attack. Alex, Tari, Edgellie, and Fishy Boopkins saw it from a distance and started to run to it.

Wario: Bring it on, old man! Bring it on!

ReaderFromWR started shooting his two Heavy Bolters at Disintegrate Whip.

Wario: You think you can beat me? Then try this!

Disintegrate Whip stomped on ReaderFromWR, crushing him.

Aria: Reader!

Just as Disintegrate Whip raised it's foot, ReaderFromWR immediately came back up.

ReaderFromWR: Psyche!

Wario: NANI!

ReaderFromWR got his Chainsword out and started slicing many parts of Disintegrate Whip. After a few minutes of slicing, it got destroyed, leaving Wario returning to normal form and falling down.

Wario: I am not done with you!

ReaderFromWR knocked Wario on his head with the Heavy Bolter handle, and he took the Power Glove off of Wario's hand, causing him to be free from Dark Squid's control.

ReaderFromWR: Now how do I undo the disintegration?

Alex suddenly came in.

Alex: Hey, Reader!

ReaderFromWR: Huh?!

He accidentally shot a lightning bolt at a Dark Inkling, disintegrating her.

ReaderFromWR: Oh, sorry about that.

Tari: Reader! What happened?

Fishy Boopkins: What's going on, Reader?

Edgellie: Hi, Reader. What are you doing?

ReaderFromWR: Trying to figure out how to undo the damage. Does this button seem to do it?

He pressed the button, as four pale while lightning bolts shot at the ground, as out came Bob, SMG4, Inkura, and JCR.

ReaderFromWR: Yes! They're... back?

Alex: Are they still alive? They look motionless.

ReaderFromWR checked the pulse of everyone who was revived.

ReaderFromWR: I feel no heartbeats.

This shocked Fishy, Tari, Alex, and Edgellie.

Alex: Does that mean... they're dead?!

ReaderFromWR: Guys, step aside.

He powered up another lightning bolt and shot it at the corpses, reviving them.

Bob: WhAt ThE hElL jUsT hApPeNeD? aM i AlIvE?

Inkura: Ugh... what happened?


JCR: Are we... back?

Fishy, Alex, Tari, and Edgellie were all happy their friends were back and hugged them.

ReaderFromWR: I revived you guys. You are now safe and back to life. Now you four get to the shelter. You need a rest. You carry your revived friends to the shelter. It's somewhere near here, so finding it will be easy.

Tari carried SMG4, Alex carried Inkura, and JCR carried Edgellie, all taking them to the shelter. Fishy wanted to be beside Bob, so he went to the shelter as well.

ReaderFromWR: Now to get back to my army, and what the hell?

He saw that the Power Glove was off of him and nowhere to be seen.

ReaderFromWR: Well, it's gone for good.

As he walked back to his Blood Ravens and Ultramarines, Orange Angel walked up to Dark Squid with the Power Glove she teleported here in her hand.

Orange Angel: What should we do with this?

Dark Squid: Save it for now... for when our times become desperate.

The next chapter won't be focused on that, but it will be focused on another WAH brother. I'll see you later.

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