"...really wrong," Thomas finished giving James a sharp glare.

"And we gotta get things
Back where they belong
We can do it," They both sang.

"Gotta play," Seabury said.

"Stick with what you know," The skaters told him.

"We can do it," James and Thomas repeated.

"Hip hop hooray!?" Angelica cheered.

"She has got to go," The braniacs shouted.

"We can do it," Thomas and James repeated again.

"Crême Brûlée?" Herc asked.

"Keep your voice down low," The jocks scolded him.

"Not another peep
No, not another word
No, not another sound
No," Everyone shouted.

"Everybody quiet!" Thomas screamed.

"Why is everybody staring at you?" John asked Peggy.

"Not me, you," Peggy replied.

"Because of the callbacks? I can't have people staring at me! I really can't!" John cried.

"No! No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you want to be cool, follow one simple rule
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo
Oh, no, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
It is better by far to keep things as they are
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status
Stick to the status
Stick to the status quo," The cafeteria finished.  

John slipped on some spilt milk, and tossed his lunch tray into the air. The lunch consisting of french fries and mac and cheese landed right on Thomas.

"Aah!" Thomas shrieked, hastily rubbing at the food on his white shirt.

"I am so sorry," John profusely apologized. John tried in vain to remove the food from Thomas who is now on the verge of hyperventilating. Peggy pulled John away from the crying man. At the same time Alex arrived, but was stopped by Laff as he tried to see what was going on.

"You do not want to get into that, man. Too much drama," Laff told Alex.

"Yeah, I can tell," Alex replied.

"What is going on here?" Mr. George yelled, running into the cafeteria.

"Look at this! That John guy just dumped his lunch on me. On  purpose! It's all part of their plan to ruin our musical. And Alex  and his basketball robots are obviously behind it. Why do you think he  auditioned? After all the hard work you've put into this show. It just  doesn't seem right," Thomas shouted.

"What's up" Alex asked Lafayette.

"What's up? Oh, let's see... Umm, you missed free-period workout  yesterday to audition for some heinous musical. And now suddenly people  are... confessing," Laff said whispering the last part. Hercules walked by, but was stopped by Laff grabbing his elbow and pulling him over to them.

"Yeah, and Herc. Herc is baking, creme brulee," Laff told Alex.

"Ah, what's that?" Alex asked them.

"Oh, it's a creamy custard-like filling with a caramelized surface. It's really satisfying," Herc gushed excitedly.

"Shut up, Herc" Laff shouted. Herc turned away dejectedly and joined some skater dudes.

"Look... do you see what's happening here, man? Our team is coming apart  because of your singing thing. Even the drama geeks and the brainiacs  suddenly think that they can... talk to us," Laff said, pointing to the skater dudes who were chatting with Hercules.

"Look, the skater dudes are mingling," Laff joked.

"Yo!" One of them yelled at Alex.

"Suddenly people think that they can do other stuff. Stuff that is not  their stuff. They've got you thinking about show tunes, when we've got a  playoff game next week," Lafayette said before turning around and leaving.


Coach Washington sat in his office reading a paper while eating a sandwich. At the same Mr. George entered and made his way down the aisles of lockers and showers.

"Whoa!" A random basketball player said, coming out of the shower in only a towel.

"Ooh!" Mr. George shrieked, shielding his eyes from the sight in front on him.

"Head's up!" A boy screamed at him, throwing a towel and nearly hitting him in the head. Nevertheless he continued, and finally arrived at Coach Washington's office.

"Alright Washington. Cards on the table right now," he said.

"Huh?" Washington asked confused.

"You're tweaked because I put your stars in detention and now you're getting even," George sneered.

"What are you talking about, George?" Washington inquired.

"Your all-star son turned up at my audition. Now, I give every student  an even chance, which is a long and honorable tradition in the theater.  Something you wouldn't understand. But, if he is planning sort of a  practical joke in my chapel of the arts.." George trailed off.

"Alex doesn't even sing," He said, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Oh, well, you're wrong about that. But I will not allow my TwinkleTown musicale to be made into farce," George explained.

"TwinkleTown?" Washington asked mockingly, trying to hold in a laugh.

"See? I knew it," George jumped up and down, pointing a finger at the confused coach.

"Hey..." Washington said trying to calm down the crazy jumping man.

"I knew it" George screamed jumping more ferociously.

"Sounds like a winner. Good luck on Broadway!" Washington waved him off. George promptly left the locker room in a huff, slamming the door behind him.

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