Chapter 2

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AN: This is a thank you to my one lone fan for reading!!

One Week Later (Alex's Pov)

Today I have school. Kill me now. I looked out the bus window, the school is full of activity. Students were mingling and discussing their vacations, while Lafayette seemed to be having a game of one on one with a random cheerleader. I got off the bus, and was immediately greeted by my fellow teammates.

"Alex! How ya doing, man?" Lafayette asked me.

"Hey, Laff, what's up? Hey, guys, happy new year," I said.

"Yeah. It's a happy Wildcat new year!" Lafayette laughed.

"You're the man!" One of my teammates shouted.

"In two weeks we're going to the championships with you leading us to infinity and beyond," Laff told me.

"What team?'" Someone shouted.

"Wildcats!" We chanted.

"What team?"

"Wildcats!" We all burst out laughing at ourselves.

Time Skip- Inside School (Third Person)

Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the queen bees of the school, made their way through the crowded hallway.

Thomas walked past the entire Wildcat team, making them get out of his way.

"Ooh," Everyone said, as he pushed a nerdy boy into the lockers.

"The ice prince has returned from the North Pole," Hercules joked.

"You know, he probably spent the holidays the way he always does," Laff said.

"How's that?" Alex asked him.

"Shopping for mirrors," He exclaimed.

"Ooh," all the boys laughed at Laff's roast, as they passed by Peggy Schuyler and her science posse.

"Ugh, behold the zoo animals heralding the new year. How tribal," Peggy teased them as they walked by.

The bell rang.

At the same time, John, his father, and Principal Eaker are all walking along another part of the school discussing John's first day.

John's Pov:

"Dad, my stomach-" I was cut off.

"Is always nervous on the first day at a new school. You'll do great. You always do, and I made my company promise that I can't be transferred again until you graduate," my father told me. I nodded in agreement.

"I reviewed your impressive transcripts. I expect your light will shine very brightly here at East High," Principal Eaker sopke.

"I don't wanna be the school's freaky genius guy again," I whined.

"Just be Jack," my dad told me firmly, patting my back.

"This way," the principal told me. I waved goodbye to my father, as I made my way up a flight of stairs with Principal Eaker.


The classroom buzzed, while Mr. George (as in king George)  sat at the front of the room, reading a script for a play possibility.

"Alex! Alex! Hey! How's it going? How are you?" Some of Alex's classmates asked him.

John walked into the classroom, unaware that Alex was standing right behind him. On the other hand, Alex was equally oblivious as he was facing the back of the classroom. John handed some papers to Mr. George.

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