Chapter 4

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Thomas walked into the empty classroom and handed Mr. George a small box.

"Just something for you," he said smiling a sickly sweet smile. Mr. George nodded and placed the gift on his desk, as Thomas returned to his seat, and the rest of the class filed in.

Alex and John exchanged glances with each other.

"Well I, expect we all learned our homeroom manners yesterday, people, correct? If not, we have some dressing rooms that need painting," George told the class, while John and Alex were giggling at each other.

"Now, a few announcements. This morning during free period will be your chance for the musicale auditions, both singles and pairs," George said. Thomas clapped his hands with childlike excitement, as he beamed at Mr. George.

"I will be in the theater until noon for those of you bold enough to extend the wingspan of your creative spirit."

"What time is he due back on the mother ship?" Lafayette joked to Alex. They both snickered as Mr. George continued.

"Now today, we are going to discuss the importance of William Shakespeare.." Mr. George smiled. The whole class groaned.


Lafayette walked up to Alex, who had just closed his locker.

"Yo! What's up, man?" Laff grinned.

"Hey, so, um, the whole team's hitting the gym during free period. What do you want to have us run?" He asked when he got no reply.

"Uh, dude, you know what, I can't make it. I gotta catch up on some homework," Alex told him.

"What? Hello, it's only the second day back. I'm not even behind on homework yet. And you know, I've been behind on homework since preschool," Laff joked. Alex forced a chuckle at that.

"That's hilarious. I'll catch you later," Alex spoke, quickly walking off. Laff knew something was up with him.

"Homework? There's no way," Laff said to himself. He followed Alex to an empty classroom, where he and a random boy seemed to be having a conversation.

"What's he doing?" Laff asked. The boy walked up to him, shaking Laff's hand, while giving Alex the distraction he needed to get away.

"How's it going man?" The boy asked him. Laff ignored him, and went on to search the room for Alex, who had taken a different way out of the classroom. Alex walked right past Laff, who was still looking for him. Laff saw him and followed Alex to a stairwell, where he lost Alex completely. Laff sighed and gave up. 

Alex made his way across an outdoor area, as Coach Washington spotted him. Alex managed to slip out of view from his father, before walking into a garage and hiding briefly behind a stripped chassis. Alex was seen by the mechanic, though.

"Shot-cut," Alex said to the old mechanic. The mechanic looked down and checked his watch in confusion.

"I'm late for class, Alex told him, before running off.

Alex walked into the auditorium through the backstage entrance, wheeling a janitor's cart with a mop sticking up.

Alex hid, as he watched the hopefuls for the musical file in with Mr. George at the head of the group and Eliza right behind her. Mr. George and Eliza walked onto the stage together.

"This is where the true expression of the artist is realized. Where inner truth is revealed through the actor's journey," Mr. George said, addressing the small audience. The school bell rang. "Was that a cell phone?" Mr. George asked the kids in disbelief. The members of the audience checked their phones to make sure it was not theirs. 

"Is it mine?" A random girl asked herself.

"No, ma'am. That was the warning bell." Eliza told the outraged teacher.

"Ah! Those wishing to audition must understand that time is of the essence. We have many roles to cast and final callbacks will be next week," George said cheerful again.

Alex had made his way to the back of the auditorium, and was observing the proceedings from behind the janitor's cart as Mr. George continued.

"First, you will sing a few bars and I will give you a sense of whether or not the theater is your calling. Better to hear it from me now than from your friends later. Our composer, Elizabeth Schuyler, will accompany you and be available for rehearsals prior to callbacks. Shall we?" Mr. George said.

"It's hard to believe that I couldn't see
That you were always right beside me
This feeling's like no other
I want you to know," The first singer sang very off key, before forgetting the rest of the song. 

"Uh-huh. Yes, thank you. Next," Mr. George said.

"It's hard to believe
that I couldn't sneeze... see," He sang, as Thomas and James looked shocked by the error, "That you were always right there beside me."

"Charles, I admire your pluck. As to your singing... That's a wonderful tie you're wearing. Next!" Mr. George spoke, trying to hold in a laugh.

"It's hard to believe that I couldn't see
That you were," he winked at Mr. George, "always right beside me. This feelings like no other. I want you to," He winked at him again, " know."

"Uh... stop," Mr. George scolded.

"... so lonely before I finally found, What I've been looking... for," A girl sang very high pitched, and holding the last note very long.         

"Ah... Maria. What courage to pursue a note that has not been accessed in the natural world. Bravo! Brava! Perhaps the spring musicale?" Mr. George asked. Maria's smile vanished, as she looks over to Eliza who flashes her a "better luck next time" smile. Maria lets out a squeak and walks off the stage. The next student to audition does a ballet routine, which Mr George seems to enjoy. His audition ends when he crashes off-stage.

"It's hard to believe that I couldn't see," I girl spoke.
"Couldn't see," her partner echoed.

Thomas looked over to James who appeared to be deeply entranced by the strange display. By this point, the disturbed couple were on their knees, rolling around on the floor.

"Well, that was just... very disturbing. Go see a counselor. Uhh. Next!" George said, severely creeped out.

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