"Oh, actually, if you do the part with that particular song, I imagined it much slower," Eliza addressed Thomas.

"If we do the part? Liza, my sawed-off Sondheim, I've been in 17 school productions. And how many times have your compositions been selected?" Thomas spat at her.

"This would be the first," Liza looked down in defeat. I felt bad for the poor girl. She didn't deserve to be treated this way.

"Which tell us what?" Thomas demanded.

"That I need to write you more solos?" Eliza guessed.

"No. It tells us that you do not offer direction, suggestion, or commentary. And you should be thankful that me and James are here to lift your music out of it's current obscurity. Are we clear?" Thomas sharply told her.

"Yes sir, I mean, Thomas," Eliza squeaked.

"Nice talking to you," Thomas said putting on a sickly sweet grin.

"Any last-minute sign-ups?" Mr. George asked for the second time.

"We should go," Alex quietly said to me.

"No? Good. Done," George said, beginning to collect his things.

That's when I did something not even I was expecting.

"I'd like to audition, Mr. George," I loudly spoke. Alex stood behind me in shock, over what I just did.

"Timeliness means something in the world of theater, young man. The individual auditions are long, long over and there are simply no other pairs," He told me.

"I'll sing with him," Alex said coming out from his hiding spot.

"Alexander Hamilton? Where is your sports posse or whatever it's called?" Mr. George asked him.

"Team," he corrected.

"Ah." George said to himself.

"Um, but I'm here alone. Actually I came to sing with him," He said putting his hand on my shoulder. I tensed up, but then relaxed into his touch.

"Yes, well, we take these shows very seriously here at East High. I called for the pairs audition, and you didn't respond. Free period is now over," He told us harshly.

"He has an amazing voice," He told him pleadingly. I blushed at the complement.

"Perhaps the next musicale," Mr. George said.

I watched Mr. George make a dramatic exit, but my head whipped around when Eliza got up from the piano and tripped, throwing her papers all over the ground. We ran up the stage to help her clean them up.

"So, you're a composer?" Alex asked her. Eliza just stared at him.

"You wrote the song Thomas and James just sang? And the entire show?" He asked again. Eliza managed a weak nod this time.

"Well, that's really cool. I, uh, can't wait to hear the rest of the show," He said smiling at her. Alex offered her his hand, and she took it, as he helped her up off the ground. She looked terrified.

"So, why are you so afraid of James and Thomas. I mean, it is your show," Alex inquired.

"It is?" She breathed.

"Isn't the composer of a show kinda like the play maker in basketball?" He asked her.

"Play maker?" She tilted her head to the side, confused.

"You know, the one who makes everyone else look good. I mean, without you there is no show. You're the play maker here Liza," he told her.

"I am?" She said beaming at Alex. He nodded in confirmation, as I smiled at her.

"Do you wanna hear how the duets supposed to sound?" She asked us. We nodded in agreement. She walked over to the piano, as Alex and I followed behind.

Alex John Both

It's hard to believe
That I couldn't see
You were always there beside

Thought I was alone
With no one to hold

But you were always right beside me
This feeling is
  like no other
I want you to know

I've never had someone
That knows me like you do
The way you do
I've never had someone
As good for me as you
No one like you
So lonely before
I finally found
What I've been looking for

Ohhhh, ohhhh                         

"Wow. That's nice," Alex told her.

"Hamilton, Laurens- you have a callback. Elizabeth, give them the duet from the second act. Work on it with them," Mr. George said coming out of nowhere, before swiftly walking out of the auditorium.

"All right. If you guys wanna rehearse, I'm usually here during free period and after school, and even sometimes during biology class. You can come and rehearse anytime. or you can come to my house for breakfast. I have a piano, we can rehearse there. After school, before school- whatever works. After basketball class..." She told us excitedly. Eliza told me more and I was happy to listen, but Alex didn't look so enthusiastic. I was kind of worried about him. I gave him a pointed stare, which got his attention.

"What?" He questioned me.

TIME SKIP- NEXT DAY (Third Person)

"Callback?! Aah!" Thomas said fanning himself

"Callback for roles Arnold and Minnie next Thursday, 3:30pm. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, John Laurens and Alexander Hamilton," James read out loud.

"Is this some kind of joke? They didn't even audition!" Thomas cried.

"Maybe we're being punked," James reasoned with him.

"What?" Thomas replied exasperated.

"Maybe we're being filmed right now," James told Thomas.

"Oh, shut up, Jemmy!" Thomas shouted.

The wildcat team arrived by the poster without Alex.

"What's wrong?" Laff said, laughing at Thomas' distraught face. He looked at the callback sheet smiling. All of a sudden he turns to his other teammates looking like he just saw a ghost.

"What?!" He said shocked.

"Uhhh!" Thomas cried, running down the hallway and to the cafeteria, the others following close behind.

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