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Cami was woken by the sun rising between the trees as their car drove down the highway, the early Sunday traffic was basically non-existent.

She yawned and stretched. "How long was I out?" She asked Lukas, who yawned two seconds after her.

"About an hour." He said. "We just passed Baton Rouge."

It was then when Cami realised, they had been taking the same route she had driven on her way to New Orleans over a year ago. Baton Rouge had been her last stop, and had been pumping the last of her gas money into her car. She had been flipping a coin in her brain as she looked at the map, half folded out on the roof of her car. She'd been living in a little place called Sunflower south of Memphis stacking shelves in the local market for a few months, and had planned on heading for Houston and finding a town around there, probably wait tables for a change of pace.

As good at map-reading she had gotten over the previous few years, she had still managed to take a wrong turn around Jackson and ended up in Baton. As Cami had stood pumping gas just off the I-1O she'd seen New Orleans right in the corner of the dog-eared map. Her eyes had been drawn to it, knowing full well it was going to be a squeeze to get to either there or Houston on the little amount of gas she'd been able to afford. Usually before she set off from somewhere, she picked a new place and it stuck, even if she did take a wrong turn. So, Cami told herself she was heading to Texas, that was the plan after all. Somehow though, once she had paid for her gas and set off, even after agreeing with herself that Houston was a good choice, she had just turned towards New Orleans. Maybe, thinking about it now, it was some of that pre-determined fate Helena had been talking about?

What would have happened if she had gone to Houston? Would she still be in danger now? But instead, with no one to help and protect her. Yeah, being chased by a whole supernatural world that want to kill you was a bit of a bummer, but at the same time she couldn't imagine never having met Tessa or Helena, Talia and Marissa. If she hadn't moved to New Orleans, she would never had found a family she hadn't knew she needed. She wouldn't have met Lukas.

She looked at him and smiled slightly.

He frowned in confusion when he caught her and she didn't stop. "What could you possibly be smiling about?" He muttered.

"No reason." She said, her smile growing wider.

He gave her another confused look, but a smile was playing on his lips. "Stop staring at me Cami, you're freaking me out."

"Now you know how I felt when you used to stare at me around the bar like a deranged psycho."

Lukas barked out a laugh. "You still slept with me. That says more about you, that you like deranged pyschos."

Cami grinned. There was the guy she had liked so much yesterday. "Like is a strong word. I think the word I would us is 'tolerate'." She teased.

He raised a brow and shook his head. "Is that what you call those orgasms I gave you yesterday? Tolerating me, eh?"

Cami's grin twisted. "I don't know about orgasms." She emphasised.

"I do." He said, and threw her a look that just shouted that he wanted to show her again. And Cami was more than up for letting him.

At that moment Lukas turned off the highway at the sign that said Porte Barre.

"What are we doing?" She asked.

"I haven't slept coming up on 24 hours, and I don't know about you but I could murder the biggest cheeseburger."

"It's not even six am!"

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