Chapter 24

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***Sophie's POV***
"why is everything so confusing?" I spat out to the empty hotel room as I packed
my things. Lou was in the shower I was just getting dressed when I got a text.
Can I talk to you? I want to explain and apologise properly... If you'll let me
meet me in the lobby in 5. Z x
I started freaking out, I new I needed to hear him out but I was still stressed
about all of the memories from James. I couldn't face anything like that
happening again.
As I zipped up my bag I picked it up and threw it onto the floor in frustration
just as Lou came out of the bathroom with a towel round his waist.
"wow, what's up baby?" he said walking over to me. I looked at the floor and he
lifted up my chin gently with his finger. I looked into his eyes and a single
tear fell which he hastily wiped away.
"zayn wants to talk to me in the lobby in like two minutes" I said walking away
from him towards the bedside table and grabbing my phone. I put it into my
pocket and grabbed my bag
"oh, ok... See you---" I shut the door before he finished his sentence. I wasn't
in the mood to talk to him or anyone really.
I walked out into the lobby and zayn was sitting on the sofa to one Side of the
room. I threw my bag down and sat on a chair facing the sofa looking down at the
hem of my striped t-shirt.
"look, I never meant to hurt you" he said breaking the awkward silence that had
fallen over us. His voice was soft and broken.
"but you did though... Did you mean to kiss me or was that an 'accident' too?" I
spat still not looking at him.
"truth is, I wasn't thinking. I've wanted to kiss you since the day we met and I
just couldn't take you and Louis being all lovey-dicey right in my face..."
"and kissing me was your answer?" I interrupted glancing at him for a split
second to see tears falling from his eyes
"I'm sorry Sophie, I truly am. It's just that... Um I.... I think I lo...." he
choked on his own words and was about to say something when Niall and Liam came
and sat down
"hey guys, are you ok?" Niall asked. He looked at zayn and saw the tears falling
"zayn?" he questioned looking from zayn to me to Liam. Liam shrugged and sat
besides zayn putting an arm round him.   
"I can't do this.." I said standing up quickly and running as fast as my feet
would carry me out of the hotel. I didn't know where I was going but I was going
to get there pretty quick. When my legs couldn't take me any further I stopped
running and fell to the ground. I was lying down on some grass in a deserted
park, it was only about half seven. I lay there staring at the sky above me as
my breath slowly went back to normal. I felt a few years roll down my cheek do I
closed my eyes. I was lying with my eyes closed for a minute or two when my
phone buzzed with a text

We're worried babe, where are you? Please tell me I want to help. I'm trying to
find you. Please Sophie.

I got another....

From:Daddy D
Soph, tell nialler where you are he's trying to find you. We're both worried and
want to help. Zayn's hysterical and just keeps saying I'm sorry... WTF? Please
soph... Come back.

I'm in a park near the hotel.

About a minute later Niall lay down beside me
"hi" he said quietly
"hey" I said turning so I was looking at him
"wanna talk about it? Or do you want to talk to Lou?" he asked worry clear on
his face.
"Lou" was all I managed to choke out before I got a lump in my throat and tears
welled up in my eyes. Niall stood up and pulled me up, he put an arm around my
shoulder and we walked silently back to the hotel.
When we walked into the lobby we heard shouting
"you couldn't have left it could you? She's been fucked around for years and
just about managed to get back on her feet. you come along and push her right
back. Why? How could you be so selfish?!" I heard Lou shout. When we saw them
Harry was holding Louis back and zayn was just looking at him, mouth hanging
open as if to speak but no words escaped "what if she doesn't come back? She was
fragile last night, what if she cracks?" he said his anger turning to fear "I
can't loose her, I love her" as he said that Harry hugged him and I heard quiet
Niall and I walked over to where they were from where we were stood near the
doors. I went up to Louis and Harry pulled away from the hug. I wrapped my arms
around his waist and buried my head in his chest. When he realised it was me his
arms wrapped around me so tight and he whispered into my ear.
"don't scare me like that, I thought I was going to loose you" his breath was
hot on my neck. I kissed his cheek.
"never" I whispered. He kissed my lips softly and then we pulled out of our hug.

"let's go" Paul said sighing. We all walked onto the bus and Louis and I went to
the bunks. Nobody else went past the lounge part the all just crashed on the
sofas realising we needed some time
"I tired" was all I could choke out before I cried. We were sitting on the floor
and Louis wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap.
"I know baby, I know. It's going to be hard but you need to try and forgive him.
You have to spent the next week and a half with him, and probably more time
after that" he soothed, talking softly into my hair.
"ok, but I don't want to do it alone" I said looking up into his beautiful blue
"you don't have to, I'll stay with you"
"I promise. I love you" he said softly kissing me. When I pulled away I sighed.
"I miss her Lou" I whispered truthfully looking down at my hands. "I wish I
could see her one more time, just so I can tell her everything and ask her for
help. Even though I know what she'd say..."
"oh yeah, what's that?" Lou asked playing with my hair
"she had this quote written on her bedroom wall and whenever I had a problem she
would make me read it. She'd tell me to read it.
'life's too short, grudges are a waste of perfect happiness.apologise when you
should and let go of what you can't change. Love deeply and forgive quickly.
Take chances. Give everything and have no regrets. Life is too short to be
unhappy. You have to take the good with the bad, smile when you're sad, love
what you got and always remember what you had. Always forgive but never forget.
Learn from your mistakes but never regret. People change and things go wrong,
but always remember - life goes on'" I said as if it was second nature. When I
finished I stood up and undid the small pocket on the front of my suitcase, and
there it was. The small pink box wrapped in a ribbon. I sat down next to louis
and he looked at me confused. "it was a present, off Alisha. She gave it to her
mum the day before she died because she wanted to make sure it didn't get lost.
She told her mum she would give it to me when I needed her most... I haven't had
the heart to open it yet. It makes me feel like she's still around. Sealed
within this box" I said, tears brimming in my eyes.
"do you need her now?" Louis asked, I nodded and closed my eyes. He moved closer
to me and tucked my hair behind my ear "open it then, she'll still be around
after, she'll be in your heart" he said softly into my ear before kissing my
temple. I opened my eyes and pulled the ribbon off the box carefully. When I
opened it there was a small pink bag and a folded price of paper. I unfolded the
paper and a sob instantly escaped my lips. It was a letter with a picture of the
two of us stuck on the bottom.
"I... I can't" I sobbed.
"do you want me to read it to you?" Lou asked taking the paper from my hand, I
"hey you" he started reading taking a deep breath "things have been pretty tough
for you the last few years and I'm writing to tell you that even though things
seem dark at the moment, you'll never be alone." he paused licking his lips and
gulping "do you remember the day we camped in my garden? And I was scared... I
wanted to go inside but you convinced me to stay. You said 'no matter what's out
"no matter what's out there, no matter how hard they try. I am always going to
be here to protect you." I said interrupting Louis, a tear falling down my face
"you're my best friend and I'll look after you. But even if I'm not there just
remember to take a deep breath and stand tall, and think like me.." said looking
back to Louis who was smiling
" I ask you now to think about what you told me. You're so strong babe. You can
do this.
No matter how dark things get or how bad you feel, promise me..." Louis paused
and took a deep breath, I looked at him and tears were forming in his eyes
"...promise me you'll never give up. Uncharted waters lie ahead and nobody knows
what will happen but there is one thing I know for certain. On thing I am sure
of above anything else. We will make it through the stormy weather, together
nothing can stop us.
I guess I wanted to tell you that everyone I look at you I cannot tell you how
proud I am. Everything you do continues to surprise and amaze me. So don't you
DARE ever change.
I will love you forever and a day, come rain or shine, come hell or high water 
love from Alisha xxx P.S - remember the quote." he finished reading and folded
up the letter. He then wiped his eyes from where a few stray tears had escaped.
I lent against him and sobbed, my tears soaking his shirt. When I stopped crying
hysterically I sat up and opened the bag, tipping it's contents onto my
outstretched hand. What landed in my palm was beautiful! A gold star with a
small diamond in one corner on a simple gold chain. I looked at the star
examining it's beauty , I carefully picked it up and smiled.
"turn it over, there's something written" Louis said quietly looking at the
other side. I turned it over to see the words 'stay strong' engraved onto the
back. Louis reached out and took the chain, placing it around my neck and doing
it up. He kissed the nape of my neck and I lent back against him holding the
star between my thumb and fingers with one hand and intertwining out fingers
with the other.
"she'll never leave me now" I sighed smiling and playing with the beautiful

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