Chapter 17

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***louis' POV***
I looked at the stack of DVDs in front of me that Sophie had picked out
"moulin rouge! I love that film!" I said excitedly, yeah it's a musical... And
"sammee!!!!" she said. I put the DVD in and we sat down on the sofa and started
watching, eating and cuddling. Perfect combination.
After we had watched moulin rouge, elizabethtown and Charlie st cloud it was
about 10pm. we were cuddled up under a blanket, I had my feet on the foot stool
and soph was sat with her legs across my lap, cuddled up to me and I had my arms
around her. I turned off the tv leaving only the lights from the candles.
"I don't want to move, can't we just stay like this forever" she whispered, not
breaking the peaceful silence of the house
"we could, but I have a feeling people might not be too happy about it" I said
quietly kissing her head
"I want to stay here, nothing to worry about, no fears for the future. Just grow
old together" she said, barely a whisper. Her face looked like she had a million
and one things to stress about
"what's on your mind love?" I asked, lifting her chin so she was looking at me.
"what do you mean?" she looked like she was on the brink of tears
"Alisha, Tom, mum, school, the tour, you..." she said looking down again and
fiddling with my t-shirt
"babe if you want to speak to Tom or your mum just ring them or if you want to
see them I could get you a car. Don't worry about school, you've got a whole
month until then. The tour's going to be great don't worry about it and if you
don't want to go I'll understand..... Do you want to talk about Alisha more will
that help? I don't know how to help, I'm so sorry I wish I did. I've never lost
anybody close to me before. Maybe if you spoke to zayn he could help, he's been
through similar with his grandad and his uncle"
"its not that i want to see them, its that i don't know what it's going to be
like when I get home.... I don't want to go home I want the tour to last forever
and yeah, maybe I will he might be able to help me deal with it"
"and that just leaves..... Me?" I questioned, hoping the answer wasn't as bad as
the ones I had made up in my head 'I don't want to be with you' 'I love someone
else' this won't work out' 'I want to go home and never see you again' I was
praying in my head for none of these to be the case.
"the thing is, I think I'm falling hard and fast in love with you and I'm
scared. Scared of what will happen after the summer ends. Scared of holding you
back. Scared of not being good enough for you. I couldn't bare to loose you Lou,
not after loosing my best friend I couldn't loose you too..." she said and a
single tear escaped her eye. I ran my thumb across her cheek to wipe the tear
away she just looked down at her hands
"look at me babe" she lifted her head and her beautiful eyes met mine "please
believe me when i say that I will never leave you" the rest of the tears that
had been threatening to fall fell and she lent into my chest her tears spilling
onto my shirt. I could hear her shaky breaths "you've gotta breathe we'll be ok,
I'll always be hear for you. I'm here to keep you safe and I'll never let you
down. Don't ever think you're not good enough for me, I couldn't ask for a
better girlfriend than you. You mean the world to me and nothing and Boone will
change that. We're in this together, side by side all the way. You jump, I
jump... don't cry baby girl, please don't cry" I lifted up her head and wiped
the fresh tears away with my thumb
"thank you Louis, I don't know what I'd do without you" I didn't know what to
say so I just leaned in. When her lips met mine they were salty from the tears.
The kiss was soft but as our lips moved in sink I traced my tongue along her
bottom lip to deepen the kiss and she responded by letting me in. Our first
French kiss.
As we pulled away breathless but smiling I uttered the three words I had wanted
to say since the day I met her "I love you"
hope you enjoyed it :)

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