Chapter 11

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This is the cover Image I made on

March has passed and it's now April 2, which means it's time to go back to work. However, Diane isn't going in at her normal time. Joy has to be taken to Valley Daycare Center and Diane isn't expected to be at work until 9:00 am. 

 Its 7:00 am, Aaron is making breakfast for Diane, while Diane is dressing Joy. After Diane dresses Joy in her purple onesie, she feeds her and walks downstairs to get her own breakfast. 

As Diane walks into the kitchen, there is a strong aroma of scrambled eggs with crunchy, chewy bacon and a nice strong cup of dark roast coffee. The coffee beans are the strongest scent that Diane smells. She thinks to herself Oh, how I missed you coffee, my dear old friend

Diane puts Joy on her baby mat and pours herself some coffee. After eating, Aaron kisses his girls goodbye and pats Maggie on the head. Aaron looks at Maggie before walking out the door "I love you girls. Bye."

Diane cleans up the kitchen and goes upstairs to get ready for work. She quickly puts on her purple scrubs, white socks, and white tennis shoes. Diane grabs her car keys and wallet, and then grabs Joy and Maggie. Diane unlocks the car, and puts Maggie in the passenger seat. Diane places Joy in the car seat. 

Before Diane knows it , she's already at Ken's Doggie Daycare Service. Diane gathers Joy and Maggie. Ken sees Diane and says, "Diane! Who is this cutie? I know this one is Maggie, but I don't recognize this one." 

Diane giggles at Ken's quirkiness and says, "This cutie is Joy. She was born in January. We are on our way to daycare." 

Ken looks at her, "Wow, going back to work so soon?" 

 Diane smiles and looks at Ken proudly, "I want Joy to have a bright future, and I want to be able to provide for her in any way that I can. I want to help and support Aaron and the rest of my family. That's why I decided to go back to work." Diane hands Maggie to Ken and walks back to her car.

Diane takes out the print aid for the Valley daycare facility.

 Diane reads 'It's been quite a long journey for many patients and doctors. Today, Aaron Fleming is proud to announce that Valley Point Memorial Hospital will have its very own daycare, The Valley Daycare.' 

Diane happily pulls out of the driveway and reaches the hospital in no time. She puts Joy in her purple stroller and brings her to the first floor daycare center. Diane drops Joy off and greets Ms. Rachel, the caregiver. Diane whispers "I'll see you after work my little one." 

She smiles, as she walks up the stairs to the second floor. As, Diane reaches her office, she realizes that she is both a doctor and a mother! Diane pulls out her schedule and gets started on her day. 

The End! Thanks for Reading!

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