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low quality but f that! he's still cute

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low quality but f that! he's still cute

"Morning sis, where is hyung at?" I greeted my sister in law who walked down the stairs, while tying her long black hair, walking towards me.

"He's with Haeybi. Go upstairs, he probably needs your help, I'm cooking breakfast and if you need my help just call me, okay?" she tapped my shoulder and I nod my head, indicating okay before climbing up the stairs and my brother's room.

Sister Yena is really nice to me ever since I first met her. She took care of me more than my own brother did.

"Ayo hyung, can I come in?" I knocked his room door a few times and didn't hear any responses that I decided to just dash in without my brother's permission.

Haeybi is my nephew, and since I have never experienced what is like having a nephew, I cared too much about him. I live with my brother and always thought it will be a burden to stay with my brother's family. My parents aren't living with us and that's the reason of why they put me with my brother, Kim Doyoung, to look after me, while I'm still schooling.

"Hey sis, help me bring my son out for a bit, he will never want to go out with his own father. He only wants you now" I let out a chuckle and starts carrying Haeybi to my chest.

"Have fun baby!" Doyoung kissed Haeybi's cheek and waved goodbye to the little kid on my arms.

"And make sure when we're back, I don't want to hear noises again, we'll come back a little later so when we're back, make sure you're done with it!" he smacked my arms and choked on his saliva. "It's not like I'm going to do it. Don't look down on me" I quickly jogged downstairs that make him rushed his words.

I wore little Haeybi who is turning three years in the next few months his snoopy pair of shoes. I picked up his bag that was occupied with his bottle, his toys and etcetera.

"Haeybi-ah, do you want aunty Kim to carry you or... you want to walk?" he held my finger tightly and I assumed he wants to walk. We both walk at the pathway that would lead us to the exposed beach. It's the best thing when living nearby.

"Aunty, can I play the swing first?" he pointed to me a swing nearest to the convenience store further back the beach. Something I love about Haeybi is that he is well mannered and is educated enough that I trust him. I let go off our hands and he ran as fast as he could to the swing.

About ten minutes playing and swinging him, I suddenly feel like peeing. "Haeybi-ah, can you accompany aunty to the convenience store, please?? you have been playing the swing for almost an hour. I promise you that after we go, you can play again!" I repeatedly plead my nephew to follow me along so it could be safer when he's by my side.

I couldn't hold it in anymore and decided to take my own decision and told him to stay where he is and wait for me about two minutes and I'll be back quick.

After a few minutes, I ran to where Haeybi was, but it seems like he was gone. No one was there. I searched, and searched under the slides, and all around the place but his shadow still couldn't be seen.

I decided to pick up his bag and searched him at the beach that's nearby instead. From afar, a familiar small figure's head could be seen with a tall guy in his shoulder, appearing like the kid is sleeping.

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