"How do we get out?" I asked, Al. There is no way we couldn't escape the room without while there's the armed guard who can shoot us directly without thinking. They know that participants of the Rebirth shouldn't step a foot on the Noble Land until the finished on the process, but we're inside and they're going down.

"I know a way out." All said, he started to put his attention on his technology and his typing some codes I couldn't even understand it.

While Al's busy coding our way out, a message from Conrad popped on my tech.

Did you get anything, buddy? Please, get out of there. They know something's happening and I've already handled the rat. Just get out there and we'll be at your room.

"Al, we gotta go!" I exclaimed.

"Wait, I need to have these documents first." He told to me.

"Oh, fuck that." I immediately grab the document on the desk, "we'll keep this and I don't care if they found it lost. My brother needs these files and we gotta bring it to him. And now, we gotta leave this place without them finding us."

"Okay, okay, Dy. But you gotta relax, I know a way out." He's calm and relaxes saying it to my face and I could already feel the tension between the situation. I didn't bother to ask more and I just made him do his part and when he finally completed coding on his tech, a mechanical sound heard from the corner and when we come to see it. It is a vent way out of the room.

"Are we fit to crawl inside?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulder, "I really don't know but we wouldn't know if we didn't try."

I took a deep breath, "okay... if it's our only way out."

When he heard a few voices outside of President Chadwick's office. Al and I immediately positioned ourselves. As we started to crawl inside the vent, following Al into somewhere leads us into some direction where he thought we could be safe. Leaving with us were the Rebirth files and I hope this is worth the risk after all.

I told Al that Conrad we'll meet us both on my room and he just gives a nod on me. I don't know if he knows where it was located but I'm sure he'll know by his tech. After a few turns inside the vent, we see the light. Al stopped for a minute before we stepped out into it.

"What's the matter, Al?" I asked him.

"I've gotta do some modifications on the camera outside, so they wouldn't see us when we got out. This wouldn't take long but just give me a few minutes and we'll good to go. I couldn't risk our presence there because that hallway outside of this vent is the main way of getting through to the other building. So it's a big risk if we got out without safety measures."

"You're too broad with explanations Al but I do understand you, I'm just gonna wait until your go signal."

"Alright, I just gotta focus on it."

While Al was working on his tech and I've got time to check on the document we grabbed from President Chadwick's office. I hope they wouldn't notice that the document is gone on his desk. While scanning through the pages of it, there is one page that caught my attention.

The end of the second trimester: The doom of the participants.

It just basically says eliminating a lot of participants which will occur a huge plan of killing all the participants. They are now limiting such participants to survive the process that's why they are all ahead of ambush killing. I tried to check next few pages to what will be the connection of it but I'm in a panic and I couldn't process all the words in my head.

When Al patted me, it's a sign that he is already done his part.

"We're good to go, but Dy we need to stay quiet."

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