Day 22

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Miri's War Day 22

Dedicated to Ciaran Davies and Jessy Zempel, who helped keep the demon at bay.

Today was pretty good, after therapy with Juliet, Shanny totally surprised me and took me into work at Lilya!!

Everyone was like super nice, I worked for maybe three hours, then Shanny took me down to the basement to the pistol range, where I qualified with 46/50 hits!!

I feel a bit more normal now, like I'm still pretty good at work, and I have my job waiting for when I heal.

Listening to a lot of Christina Perri tonight, she's like my go to.

Dinner tonight was build your own burgers, Chloe tried this weird thing and fed me blind folded, so I couldn't arrange my food. Not sure on this...

Going fishing tomorrow with everyone, yay!! After, Shanny says she has a surprise...

Victory: I love work

Setback: I can't kick arranging my food

Affirmation: I'm gonna get everything back!!

Love Unicorns and kittens Miribeth Liebowitz

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