Day Sixteen

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Miri's War Day Sixteen,

Dedication tonight goes out to my friend Jessy Zempel, may she recover like I am maybe starting to.

Today Anna, Shoshanna, Kimmy and Chloe all took me up to Ithaca New York and Cayuga lake.

It's rare that like all five of us can all get together and do something, today was one of those memories days you never want to end.

We ate little egg and Irish Swiss cheese sandwiches, saw the falls by Cornell university, caught a few fish, swam...

Oh did we swim. I kinda wasn't going to, but my ninja Slayer BFF Shoshanna scooped my skinny butt up and jumped off the dock with me!!!

Anna thought that was hilarious until Shanny caught her, wherein our resident Fairy FLEW up Air Shanny until she hit the water.

For a day, food didn't matter so much, or sadness, or worry about ex friends. Just five girls playing on a late New York summer day, rain or not.

I learned something big, while feeling bad for myself about eating a hot fudge sundae. I have a friend my heart goes out to, because she can't go do the fun stuff we did today. I guess maybe I'll be thankful and enjoy my damned ice cream

Victories: Everyone of my family today, and Jessy teaching me stuff tonight. Sarah Wehe, for her fun company

Setback: Sorry, nothing

Affirmation: I can pull my head out and realize stuff

Love Unicorns and kittens Miribeth Liebowitz

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