Days Eight and Nine

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I wasn't sure if I would keep writing, but here it is.

I'm really at the lowest point mentally since I started fighting this. I'm back to being encouraged to eat, and were it not for Anna, would so have purged today.

I'm frustrated and angry, really, yesterday I lost two friends online through no fault of mine, then lots of others. One I regret perhaps, the other, I deserve better.

There's nothing worse than betrayal, people pretending like... to care and like you, when like really they're mega selfish.

Today I have tried music, reading, walking with Anna, but nothing matters. All the color is gone.

People do still love me, Ciaran, Kimmy, Chloe Bear, Anna, Shoshanna. I am grateful for that.

Setback: Betrayal, and letting it own me.

Victory: I'm still fighting

Affirmation: Screw the haters, I'm better

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