Day Thirteen

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Miri's War Day Thirteen

Dedicated to Sarah Wehe, and my new friend Jessy Zempel, a fellow warrior against illness.

Today was overwhelming, two appointments and four groups in one day. I learned lots about why like I judge myself so harshly, but now? Beating myself up for judging myself.

I weigh 103 pounds today, but my blood pressure has stayed low, scary. Shanny told me when I reach 125 pounds, she will buy me a silver and ruby necklace !!

I was touched by many things today, meeting Jessy, sharing poems with Ciaran, seeing a dew covered spider web.

The Demon still stalks me though, each bite of food is a fight

Victory: I'm replacing the bad people online with new caring ones like Sarah and Jessy

Setback: Stuttering is back, and I soooo emo.

Affirmation: I give love back to those who care for me

Unicorns and kittens Miribeth

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