Day Seventeen Relapse

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Miri's War Day Seventeen

Dedicated to Ciaran Davies and Anna Neil, who have my back when I fall, like today...

Today I slipped and relapsed this morning, I was way stressed out about someone, felt too gorged from breakfast, and purged. My family had backed off some, and I took advantage of their budding trust.

I came out of the bathroom and there was Anna... she -knew- somehow what I did, puking with my fingers. I tried to lie, blame it on nerves, the gastritis, but no...

Angrysad forest Irish eyes simply stared deeply into me, not saying a word until my stuttering falsehoods stopped. Then:

"You're twice full of shite, Miriam Elizabeth. I can smell the lies on your hands. The truth now, or it's the hospital for you."

Now I'm back on a tight watch, and it hurts sooo bad, I let everyone down, especially me. Chloe has held me crying several times, telling me not to let one screw up ruin everything else.

I don't know how to get going again, I got my food down today, but no joy in it. Chloe and Kimmy have hung out with me, trying to cheer me up.

Unicorns and kittens Miribeth Liebowitz

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