Day Twenty

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Miri's War Day Twenty

Dedicated to Joseph Gosnell and Jessy Zempel

Like wow, almost three weeks into this fight. Therapy and group were hard today, as I will explain, due to like three hours of sleep on the couch last night.

First, the good news: 106 pounds this morning, and blood pressure of 114/74!! I'm not shivering as often, less shakes, and have generally more energy when not exhausted like now.

Therapy with Juliet was hard today, she called me on a lot of bullshit of mine she calls the Shoulds:

I Should be as good an agent as Shoshanna, despite her superior athletic ability, years more training and experience, and a certain ruthless ability.

I Should be all better from Anorexia, five months of physical damage in twenty days.

I Should have a caring loving girlfriend, despite being attracted to either abusive people, or impossible relationship

It pissed me off when I asked Juliet so like let's fix it Today!!

Juliet laughed and said "Your BFF Anna has the magic wand and Pixie Dust, not me. This is about hard work and steps, not Poof!! All Better"

I just want my life back, to work at least some, not be scaring my family about me.

So many things these twenty days, the loss of fake friends, betrayal and personal attacks, new awesome friends like Jessy, Sarah, Joseph, and Logan Cale

The beginning of my War is over, now to Win...

Unicorns and kittens Miribeth

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