chapter fifty-six: In Which This Is The End

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Afriel had distinct features that both intimidated and awed every living being. 

He was tall and well built and had the overall appearance of a warrior. Permanent muscles gave him the power to do whatever he wished to. 

His voice was deep and controlled. He could use it to terrify someone to death and coax them back to life. 

Yet, the one distinct feature that Afriel- and all angels really- had were their vibrant coloured eyes. Electric. Like they were staring through your physical form and into your soul. 

Two of them were standing guard outside of the shack in the woods, their marvellous wings raised behind them and their piercing eyes watching, calculating. 

"Angels" Enzo pointed out.

"Where are their halos? Do they at least have a harp?" 

"Don't be rude."

"She's got a point, Malachai Parker. They could zap you into oblivion with a single glare."

Kai took a step behind Ria. 

In her heart, there was a longing for the angel that saved her from suicide months ago. He knew her better then she knew herself and even if his actions and methods were wrong, his intentions were not. 

Destroy evil and uphold good. Was that any different from what she wanted? 

She closed the car doors and followed Enzo, telling her heart to forget the blue-eyed angel. The end he pursued did not justify the means. 

"Stop!" the angel bellowed and his wings cast forward. 

"Ria Emmers is permitted forward. No one else."

Kai made a sound in the back of his throat and reached for her hand. 

"Better not. They aren't your regular angels. Notice the black tints outlining their wings? It means they're guardians. They will kill anyone who comes near the Fates without their permission" Enzo explained. 

"I thought angels were good?"

"Well, good is a relative term."

Ria placed her hands on Kai's cheeks and whispered, "Wait here. I'll be fine. I promise."

Their wings began to lower and she passed between them. The front porch creaked under her steps but she moved on, closing the door behind her as she entered. 

The hallway was narrow and dark, but the faint flicker of candles led her into the house. There was an arrangement of flowers and herbs and symbols carved from stone and bone hanging on the walls. 

"When the sun and the moon had a rendezvous, Haley's comet dashed across the sky careful not to be noticed,"  a voice whispered. Ria paused by the hallway, afraid to enter the room. "but it left a trail of magic which trickled down and hid within you."

"The magic which makes me an Addonexus," Ria replied. 

"No need to be afraid Ria Emmers, come inside. We may share one eyeball among us, and our skin may be wrinkled and grey with dark blue veins, but we will not hurt you."

She took a breath of air and walked forward. Ria reminded herself not to judge others because of how they look, no matter how monstrous or scary they appear. It's what's in the heart that matters, not that their faces would possibly give her nightmares for years to come. 

On the sofa, three normal- no, human-looking teenage girls leaned back. 

"What's up?"

She tried to reply but it came out a stuttered mess. 

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