sixteen: In Which There's Two More

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The next five days passed in a blur because Kai had spent every second of his time awake glaring at Ria's face on the camera.

Even in sleep, he saw her in that same nightmare where she was dying from a stab wound, attempting to save him.

Kai was full of rage yet this time his rage was different. He did not feel powerful and instead felt weak and useless. He knew he was partially responsible for her disappearance and the rage made him understand he was angry with himself.

It was because of what he had done that Ria was gone.

Kai held the locket in his hand and sighed. She was so scared of him that she left without the one item that meant everything to her, at least, this was what he believed.

But then, Kai heard voices.

At first, he was sure it was the radio or a t.v but then, they grew louder and Kai stopped staring at Ria's photo. He looked out the window to see two people casually walking down the street, engaged in a heated argument.

"This would all be easier if you had some of that Bennett witch magic to get us out," the tall raven haired man exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air.

The short haired girl stopped in her tracks, "If you say that one more time, Damon, I'm going to kill you."

Kai narrowed his eyes as he left the house and followed after them. His interest in the duo was peaked at the word magic.

He looked down at Ria's smiling face again and sighed. He promised to kill Aja's Coven for her once he had returned to the real world, and he intended on keeping his promise to her.

Even if she didn't keep her promise to him.


Bonnie pointed to the milk for Damon to grab, "There's no reason to be Peter Pessimist. We have proof we're not alone."

"First of all, don't nick name. That's my thing." he hardened his gaze shrugging to the eggs. "This mysteriously filled in cross-word could have very easily been you."

"I didn't fill it in." Bonnie glared and Damon stared down at her with a look of disbelief.

"No, you don't know that you filled it in."

They continue this debate even as they left the grocery store.

"Alright, let's just say there's someone here. How do you know we're going to get out?"

"Well, you say that this is your hell right? If there's someone else here then that means it's not your hell. And if it's not your hell then Grams put us here and if Grams put us here there's a way out."

Damon was becoming more and more annoyed with Bonnie's optimism but what he really wanted was to be continuously reassured that everything was okay.

"We're never getting out."

Bonnie turned around, remaining silent for a moment before she whispered "Give me your ring,"


"Give me your ring. All I've heard you say is that you have no hope. and that this is your hell. if it;'s so bad why don't you end it?Hope is the only thing keeping me going, Damon. So if you're really done, if you have none, then be done."

She stormed off as tears rolled down her cheek and Damon turned back to the store to find comfort in alcohol.

He grabbed a bottle off the shelf, scolding himself for pushing Bonnie away again when he heard a rustling sound. He set the bottle back and walked forward. A boy, maybe eighteen, was casually eating a bag of pork rinds as he sat in a lawn chair.

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