fourteen: If Today Was Your Last Day

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Kai jumped onto the couch beside Ria who ignored him and continued to flip through the beauty magazines lying around.

"Want to see what kind of trouble we can get into today?"

"Um, no thanks."

"What, you scared?"

She looked up, "More like certain you'll end up hurting me. Or killing me."

"Oh please, I know how to restrain myself."

"You absolutely do not."

"Unlike someone I know," he finished in a sing song voice, smirking when her cheeks heated up in embarrassment. Both were thinking of the bathroom incident.

"Speak for yourself. You slashed the tires on my car instead of approaching me like a normal person when we first met. Then you attacked me, kidnapped me, and tied me to a chair and forced me to have dinner with you. I should also mention the time you drugged me, forced me on a plane, flew me out to Portland, and stole my necklace. You threatened me to tell you my life story. You threw a temper tantrum when I left for a bit, and I'm the one who can't restrain myself?"

Kai shrugged, "Okay, so you know the insanely psychotic killer Kai. What if I showed you Kai-kai."

"Kai-kai?" she repeated, unsure.

"Yeah, me- Kai. The one who doesn't have plans of revenge and murder."

"Revenge and what?"

"Just kidding! Remember? I did yoga, self-reflected, therapy. I'm good now."

Ria paused, staring at the Grimoire sitting on the table. "I don't know. I mean, we know that your sister hid her magic and that it's probably still here. Shouldn't we find that first?"

"I've spent thousands of days here alone Ria. What's one more on top of it? Besides, you'll be staying here when I leave, it's my last chance to give you a day you'll never forget."

"You've given me plenty of days I won't forget."

Kai jumped to his feet, walking out the room he yelled, "Meet me at Days Inn Bar at eight O'clock, darling."


"My name's not Fred Flintstone, but I bet I could still make your bed rock."

"Excuse me?" Ria raised an eyebrow, offended. "What the heck did you just say to me?"

His nose crinkled, "Don't like that one? Here, let me try again. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?"

Ria's glare hardened but inside she was grinning like a mad man, "Are you, Kai Parker, implying that I am Satan?"

He hesitated, "Usually my answer would be yes, but I am trying to seduce you so no. Wait, I'll try again. If you were a triangle, you'd be acute one. Get it? 'Cuz like, triangles have acute angles?"

"Nope, try again."

"I can't win with you can I?" he asks but continued, "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it right back. No? Okay, damn this is hard. Okay, well I'd offer you a cigarette but you're smoking hot already."

"Kai, do you have a map?" Ria asked cutting him off. "It's not because I'm getting lost in your eyes, it's because I can't find my way out of this torture."

"I have... better ones," he nodded, "On a scale of one to ten, you're a nine. And I'm the one you need," he finished by making a heart shape with his hands and Ria applauded.

"Finally, a decent pickup line."

"Told you I had it in me."

Kai brought a smoothie machines with fruit and yogurt and the duo made drinks for themselves as Kai continued to torture Ria with lame and cheesy pick-up line and Ria snorted after each one.

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