chapter fifty: In Which There is a Ghost From Her Past

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"Hello, darling!"

Ria turned around as Rebekah Mikaelson stepped into the room. Without a doubt, Rebeka was her favourite Mikaelson. She had an attitude of pride and confidence that she envied.

"You have no idea how much I have missed you."

She held Ria at arm's length. "Now if that were the case, you would have returned my calls. My text-messages. At least you could have sent a letter before vanishing into thin air."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that."

"You could have called me. You know I will always be your friend. Regardless, I am so so happy you have come to visit. Especially today."

"Why? What's today?"

"A celebration! Although seeing you deserves a celebration on its own, it's a celebration nonetheless."

"I hate to say it but I'm not here to party."


"I'm here to speak to the leader of the Coven. There are three kids that really need a home and maybe this could be it."

"Well before that, and actually even after, you deserve a girl's night out."

"For sure."

Rebekah dropped onto the bed, patting the spot beside her.

"May I ask who that handsome friend of your is?"

"Kai Parker."

"He doesn't seem human though."

"He was in the Gemini Coven before, well, he had a fallout with them."

"Oh Ria, you know bad boys are very much my type, but I will try to keep my hands off of him."

She knew if Rebekah really wanted him, she would have him in a second. Her beauty was unmatched, every man had been seduced by the Mikaelson girl. Ria's throat ran dry but she forced a smile. "Why?"

"Let's just say I know something."

"What?" she pressed.

"Nope," Rebekah jumped off the bed. She rummaged through the bag of makeup she left on the floor. " We are getting ready for tonight. I want my best friend to walk into the room with me and laugh as every man watches in want and every woman glares in jealousy."

"There is the Rebekah I know."

"And missed, I'm quite sure," she threw a wink over her shoulder. "Come now darling you didn't really think I wouldn't make this party about me?"

"What was it originally for?"

"Don't know, don't care. Elijah and Nik are playing some very mind confusing games ever since we came to New Orleans; falling for the same girl, Nik impregnating a werewolf, making and breaking allies. It's a new game every minute with those two."

"That's quite interesting."

"Yes, now, what do you think of going blonde? Oh don't look at me like that, blondes have more fun anyway."

"Hell, why not."


A sharp knock sounded at the door but before Elijah pushed his way in, his sister ran and pushed her back against it. "Absolutely not, she's mine until the party, Elijah, you promised."

"Dear sister that would be now."

"We're nearly ready brother, leave us be. I know the way to the party room."

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