Chapter 22

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I'm a bit late sorry you guys, I can only say that life wasn't that kind with me this past few weeks but it's okay, thank you for over 23k and 500 votes  I love you all so much, and here is another chapter also one more thing this story is close to the end so stay tuned.

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Ilayda's POV :

I thought that having a boyfriend and starting to make friends was somehow a chance for me to get a real normal life, to start over, and not live in fear anymore. But boy was I wrong. Turns out the friend that I was starting to trust was working with the woman that caused all of this to me and my family the one who destroyed everything.

My legs starting working on their own and my body started to get back and back away from them, I wasn't shy to admit that I was shaking with fear, that little girl who watched her father getting slaughtered is back inside me again.

 I somehow dragged my body straight to my room and I went to the box hiding under my bed, and without thinking I grabbed the gun that my father gave me a long time ago when I was leaving him for the last time, when I was about to put the gun in my clothes I felt a hand grabbing the gun and another hand covering my mouth, I didn't know what to do and at that moment all emotions exploded inside of me, I was scared, angry, confused, sad.... all at once so I started screaming but the hand covering my mouth  kept me from doing so and I started kicking with my legs and punching the person grabbing and everything around

"Shush, it's me" the voice started registering in my mind " calm down, I here I swear I won't let any happen to you you're safe with me "

he released his hold on my body and I fell to the floor I left my face to make sure that it was really him, and he is here, the man that gave me all, the only reason I have left to live, the love of my life is here next to me.

"B.......but you.....don't kn....know "I was very agitated that I found it hard to form one correct sentence. " the....that " Christan cupped my face with his hands  

" I do know baby, I know everything "



"I had people investigate about you " he answered my unspoken question  "now don't get me wrong it's not that I don't trust you or any thing but it's just that constant pain that I see in your eyes, you wouldn't tell me so I had to seek answers from somewhere else."

I wanted to tell him that it was okay and that I'm glad he knows now but I knew that I was still incapable of speaking so I did something else I kissed him, giving it my all, showing him what I wanted to say.

" Stay here I will try to get them to leave as fast as I can, alright? " I only nod.

And then something crossed my mind

" wait "  I held his hand, "don't let that.......that woman.......get close to you, she's dangerous, after all, she was the one who killed my family " his eyes wined and he looked slightly shocked.

"She did? " 

"I thought you knew? "

"Well I know your family was killed but I thought that they were her man who did it not her "

"Well now you know so be careful "

" try to rest and don't ever think about pulling that gun another time "  with those last words he left the room where I was still on the floor trying to understand everything that had happened.

Christan's POV :

It all explains, why she gets in such a weird situation when she sees her, she actually saw her murder her own family, which is hard even for a grown-up, and the idea of seeing that as a child, it's horrifying. I understand now.

That's why I need to make sure that that woman won't come here again. So I went to see her.

"You're still here I see" she smirked

"Well I'm not keen on being here either but we both have some unfinished business "

"Well no I guess not because I already told you everything that has got to be said, we're not paying anymore and I'm quite sure that all the money that you manage to get from us by now is more than enough, my father had paid all his debt and he owes you nothing" She came closer to me.

" boy, I don't think you know who you're talking with, but the blame is on me for having this conversation with an amateur like you, so I'll be talking with you father from now on "

" my father agrees with what I just said," as I was leaving I slightly turned toward her 

" feel free to leave whenever you like, we're not afraid of you "

" boy, you have no idea what you're getting yourself into" she looked very angry.

"can't wait to see it " that I left the room and a few moments later I heard the front door closing.

I have to take extra security measures from now on from the looks of it she is more dangerous than I thought, she won't hesitate to spill blood if needed, and I got to be ready. 

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