chapter 4

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( Jack's picture ^)

Ilayda's POV :

"Oh" Really now Ilayda, oh, is all you could have come up with, I am so stupid.

"Well yes, I might explain later" he was looking straight into my eyes; it was as if I couldn't move the way he looked at me made me paralyzed. "But for now dear Ilayda I'm having some friends over and I want you to prepare some meals and everything else"

I wonder why the temperature in the room was so high?


I wonder what he was saying.

The temperature is normal again, weird. Who keeps playing with the stuff like this?

I looked at him and smiled.
"Excuse me sir I better head to work now" I pulled my chair away and I got up.
"Of course" he got up too and started heading towards the door before he stopped for a second "oh yes also can you order some pizza my friends love it" he then left the room.

Oh, so I guess that's what he said, his friends are coming over, I wonder what kinds of friends he has.

I ran to the living room to tidy up the place a little, and then head back to the kitchen to prepare some meals and juices and I also ordered the pizza he asked for, I ordered From every kind because I didn't know what would they prefer.

Almost two and half hours passed while I was cooking and cleaning. Therefore, I was tired and feeling dirty so I decided to go take a shower and change since no one came yet.
After I was done, I went to the kitchen again and took a look to make sure everything is good.
The whole time Christian was in his room.

Suddenly I heard someone speaking from the back of my neck.

"Smells so good, and now I wish I didn't invite my friends so I can eat it all by myself." His gentle breath was hitting the back of my neck sending chills and goosebumps all over my body.
"Next time I will ask you to make it and we will eat it together. Just the two of us. "

Is my mind so twisted, or is it the way he spoke, that made his word hold a different meaning?

Suddenly, we heard someone at the door.
"I will get that "I stepped away from him and went to get the door.
I opened and people came bursting out as if I was not even there. And they are all girls.
Seriously four girls!
I was about to close the door but someone else came first; it was a bunch of boys.
After making sure that no one else is coming I closed the door, as I turned I found a guy standing next to me.
"Sir, the living room is this way." I showed him with my hand.
"I know where the living room is but I just wanted to say hello, since my friends seem to have no morals" he took my hand and kissed it.

Oh wow that is impressive he's a gentleman and he's nice.

"Thank you sir and hello to you too. Please do come in sir. "
He was nice but I wasn't feeling like talking to him so I went on my way to the kitchen.

There was a lot of talking and a lot of noise in the living room.
Suddenly I heard Christian calling me.

"Yes sir." I could feel their eyes on me so I kept looking at the floor.
Not that I'm shy but it makes me uncomfortable.
" Man I never knew that you have this kind of girl at home Chris." I heard some of the guys speaking.
"Leave the girl alone pervert." Another girl said.
" Hey I'm not a pervert"
"Yes you are and you are also a child"
" Hey I'm not a child and do not let me start on you, you drama queen"
" You ass I'm not a drama queen you're the-"

"Shut up, both of you" Christian seemed angry a little but for some reason, it was so funny for me.
"But he-" The girl tried to speak.
But she was interrupted by Christian.
"No..not a word I said" he then looked at me, " Ilayda bring us the food." I was on my way to the kitchen when I heard someone calling me.
" Ilayda" I turned to see who was speaking and it was the same guy who talked to me at the door.
I was about to answer him when Christian spoke first.

"Yes, that is her name, Ilayda go on."
Before I turned that guy spoke again.
"Wait let me help you"
"No, it's ok...."

"Please I insist"

I smiled at him and went to the kitchen with him behind me, before I left I looked at Christian and he looked pissed. I wonder what is wrong with him.

I sat everything on the large table in the living room where the TV and music are already on and some two girls dancing.

I was on my way to the kitchen when the nice guy introduced himself to me in the kitchen as Jack held his hand.
"Why don't you stay and party with us," he told me with a smiling face.

I admit he was kind of handsome and charming, but he still couldn't get me on my knees.
"No sir, I prefer not. I would like to steak with only my job."
I tried to free my hand slowly but he was holding me a little too tight.
"Please, come on it will be fun."
"Honestly, thank you but...." I was speaking when he interrupted me again.
"She doesn't want to, and besides it's me who get to invite people, you know considering, this is my house" he separated Jack's hand from mine.
"Oh chill dude"
"I'm cool don't worry so chill" on his face grew a sinister smile                                                                      "Just stop bothering her I know she's so cute, but don't bother her"

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