chapter 5

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ILayda's POV:

My eyes wined at what he said, to be fair I was shocked.

I felt a sudden drop in temperature seriously this thing has to get fixed. Oh, it is just his hand grabbing mine.

But wait, did he seriously called me cute? No, my head is playing tricks on me. Then I looked at him he was looking a little pissed. Did I do something?

I looked up and his eyes were so fixed on me, so I dropped my eyes to the floor because I got so embarrassed.

"Jack, you got everything you need man? Because Ilayda has to go, " Christian was addressing jack but holding eye contact with me the whole time.

"Yes man, I'm good". Jack looked a little unconformable, but he ends up leaving which I hated because now I was alone with Christian and God knows I hate when things like this happen. Therefore, I tried to leave but the silly me forgot that he was still holding me by the arm, and instead of being away from him, I was pushed back toward him and our faces were only a few inches away.

I tried once again to free myself from his hold but he was holding my arms so tight yet still, he did not hurt me.

"Where do you think you're going?" his question was so unexpected that I did not know what to answer.

"I...I need to eeh...clean the kitchen" words refused to come out of my mouth.

"Well I think the kitchen can wait a little bit, don't you think? Besides you're there the whole time I don't even get to see you" okay, wow how did we end up like this? Gosh, he is not even taking small steps, this guy is running.

I honestly thought of every possible answer but I could not think of anything to say.

"Why are you so red? Are you blushing?"



Does he expect me to say yes or something?

I was starting to get angry but I was still embarrassed by our proximity. I looked at him and he was SMIRKING?

Oh, what I would give to keep that smile from his stupid face.

"Alright I won't embarrass you any further " oh what a gentleman I thought to myself " you can go to the kitchen or even take the rest of the night off just don't come out while my friends are still here they don't need to see you"

What? I was so shocked but mostly so hurt from his words, it is true I am just the maid but was he ashamed of me that bad.

Suddenly he released my arm, and without saying a word I went to my room deciding that I would clean tomorrow because my heart was so hurt that I couldn't do anything at that moment.

And to think that he, maybe likes me.

Why would he?

I'm just a poor, ugly ignorant maid it's what he sees when he looks at me, and to think that maybe after all the misery I've been through, I was maybe going to smile at last.

Thank God, Nona is coming tomorrow and I will not be alone with him anymore

Christian's POV:

I watched her leave without saying a word sadness was very visible in her eyes it hurt me but I had to make her leave I couldn't stand seeing jack next to her trying to hit on her every second, it made me so pissed.

I went back to the living room where apparently, everyone was having fun even jack accept me, I just stood there thinking of her. It usually takes me more than a couple of days to like someone but she is just different.

From the second that I kissed her when I was drunk, I could not get her out of my mind. I knew she was going to be uncomfortable so I didn't mention the kiss and I tried to stay away from her and damn it so hard but I just couldn't control myself any longer, when I saw the way jack was looking at her and touching I wanted to be the only one who can ever do that.

What I have for this girl is developing so fast that I don't know what to do, there is something about her that drew me to her and I still don't know why but I know one thing for sure

I would give anything to be able to taste her lips once again and to hold her and have her hand caressing me again like that night.

Fuck, she's going to make me crazy but I desire her presence, her touch, the look at her beautiful face, so much, I desire her to be next to me that I can barely hold myself when I'm with her.

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