Chapter One: Remembering of a Past Forgotten

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        Lamia let out a small sigh at the sight of the cemetery. She had been walking all night dodging demons and trying to stay hidden as the sky turned black and the blood moon rose. The air hit a death like coldness that normal humans wouldn't be able to withstand. But here in Lethum Cata Ador the supernatural happened to those in the natural. "Finally, I made it." Lamia grabbed the cold handle of the black onyx gate. She held her breath and pulled the gate open with one single movement. Dust and cobwebs fell around her as she took her first step into the cemetery. Even though it had only been a few years since the last time she was here, it felt as if a hundred years had passed. The graveyard that once was had shining tombstones, clean cut grass, and enough room to move around was now not such a pretty sight. The stones were cracked and worn down from mistreatment, shrubs, weeds, overgrown grass, and ivy overtook everything. The ivy climbed and interwined, becoming one with the gates and the walls surrounding . Slowly Lamia made her way along the maze of graves that were all crammed close together. Her heart rate started to pick up and race as one tombstone came into view. The stone was tall and slender, covered in dust and overgrown grass. Lamia knelt in front of one of the gravestones, tears burning the back of her eyes. "I'm so sorry. It really was all my fault." She brushed the dust and cobwebs away to reveal a name engraved on the stone. Daemon Corvix, her old lover and partner from the very beginning of this mess. It was becasue of Daemon that Lamia was even able to escape this hell hole in the first place. He sacrificed his life, to save Lamia and the others. Tears started to trickle down her cheeks. "Oh Daemon.." She placed her forehead against the cold gray stone. "I wasn't able to save them..." She lowered her head and closed her eyes as she remembered the battle where the dark lord claimed Daemon's life. "You're...death was," Lamia covered her face with her hands trying to hold all the emotions back. "You're death vain and it was all because of me!" Lamia was trying so hard to keep her emotions at bay. Being in Lethum Cata Ador meant you had to put on your best poker face and never let emotion lead you. Emotion meant weakness, and weakness meant the dark lord had already won. Lamia's voice dropped to nothing more than a whisper. "Please...please forgive me." She placed her weight against the tombstone and curled up around it. "I miss you Daemon. I really do." Slowly her eyes closed from exhaustion. "I were here." Lamia slipped into a dark slumber, where the demons roamed freely tugging at her soul. There were no rules here in Lethum Cata Ador. The dark lord knew Lamia was back, and he'd do everything in his power to stop her, to tear her apart, and break her spirit into a million pieces. He would make sure peace never found her, even if that meant ruining the only good memories she had of her beloved.

        Around and around she spun, the world spinning faster and faster. She felt numb, wishing for only darkness to over take her so she could escape this insane rollercoaster. Nothing made sense, nothing came close to how she felt, pain and sorrow stabbed her heart, yet something like hope filled her chest. how could this be so? She had to close her heart off to any emotions known.. How could she feel if she's turned it off and created it to be stone?
"Lamia..." A whisper floated on the wind, barely reaching her ears.
"No..." Tears sprung to her eyes as the world spun faster, she was trying so hard to block the world out, "NO!!!!!" She screamed and fell to her knees. No one there was able to hear her cries, no one there to comfort her. "PLEASE! NO!!!!!" Her chest heaved with heavy cries of the brokenhearted. Tears not only stained her face, but also streamed down, saturating the ground on which she knelt.
"Lamia...I'm sorry..." She clasped her hands over her ears, trying so hard to block his voice and his words out.
"SHUT UP!" She screamed at the ghost of what was.
"Forgive me." His soft dying voice still floated past her.
"LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!" She fell flat on her face, screaming her heart out.
"I...don't leave..."
"Please....dont do this to me!" She dug her nails into the side of her head, trying her hardest to block his voice out. "I didn't mean to leave you here!"
“I'm so....sorry.” Even still his voice was able to waft its way in between her fingertips.
“YOU BASTARD!” She curled up tighter, screaming as loud as she could. Her body looked as if it was convulsing from the force of her cries.
“I love you Lamia....”
Her tears quickened.“Please....dont...”
“Always will. No...matter....what.” His voice faded away in the wind, leaving her alone on the cold dirt ground.
“DAEMON!” She screamed again, gasping for breath. Her lungs were barely able to keep air in her body.
“Please...” her voice cracked then dropped to a barely audible whisper.” “I”
Her body shivered and twitched as she continued to cry from pain and despair.
“Please death, just...take me now.” Her voice was barely able to come out because of her screaming. “ die....with him. It's not fair!"
The scene of Daemon getting pierced by the dark lord's flashed before her eyes and she cringed, fresh tears running down her face. “You should...have die instead.” She curled up tighter as rain began to gently fall. The pain of Daemon's death was almost to much for her to bare. “Please....” Fog rolled around her body, as darkness began to overtake her once again. “let me die...”
The night was cold and wind whipped against her. Her sleep was warped with dark dreams and painful memories of the past. "NO!" She sat up really fast, smacking her head against the cold, slightly damp tombstone of Daemon. "Not again..." Quickly she wiped her eyes, realizing that tears stained her face and the dirt around her. Yet again her dreams revolved around Daemon's death."Please...please. Let me i know that this is fake and when I open my'll be there." Her whispers fell against the crumbling tombstone, disappearing into the ground. She sighed, tears still trickling down her face. It was getting cold. Colder than it should and when Lethum-Cata-Ardor got cold, it froze over. Nothing was safe.
"Just my luck." She quietly mumbled then sat up, resting her head against Daemon's tombstone, once morning came, she knew she'd have to leave this place behind and move on with her journey, even though she still had no idea why she was here. "I miss you Daemon." She lowered her head, sleep trying to push its way through. "How could you leave me....all alone." With one single tear, the darkness of sleep overcame her again, sending her back into the dark slumber where dreams could haunt and memories ran wild.

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